Antiarrhythmic Drugs (Vaughan Williams Classification) 


Selected Adverse Effects


Class Ia

Uses: APB and VPB suppression, SVT and VT suppression, AF or atrial flutter, and VF suppression


Anticholinergic effects (urinary retention, glaucoma, dry mouth, blurred vision, intestinal upset), hypoglycemia, torsades de pointes VT, negative inotropic effects

Use cautiously with impaired LV function or renal insufficiency

Adverse effects may contribute to nonadherence

Decrease infusion rate or dosage or stop medication if QRS interval widens excessively †

IV form not available in the United States


Hypotension (with IV infusion), positive anti-nuclear antibody or drug-induced lupus, agranulocytosis, torsades de pointes VT

Sustained-release preparations available

Decrease infusion rate or dosage or stop medication if QRS interval widens excessively† or if QTc interval becomes prolonged


GI symptoms, thrombocytopenia, liver function abnormalities, torsades de pointes VT

Decrease infusion rate or dosage or stop medication if QRS interval widens excessively† or if QTc interval becomes prolonged

Class Ib

Uses: Suppression of ventricular arrhythmias (VPB, VT, VF)


Tremor, seizures, drowsiness, delirium, paresthesias with rapid administration; risk of bradyarrhythmias after acute myocardial infarction

Reduce dosage after first 24 hours

Extensive first-pass hepatic metabolism


Nausea, vomiting, tremor, seizures

Oral slow-release and IV forms not available in the United States

Class Ic

Uses: APB and VPB suppression, SVT and VT suppression, AF or atrial flutter, and VF suppression


Occasionally, blurred vision and paresthesias

Proarrhythmic with coexisting structural heart disease

Decrease dosage or stop medication if QRS interval widens

IV form not available in the United States


Beta-blockade, possible worsening of reactive airway disease, GI upset

Pharmacokinetics are nonlinear; increases in dose should not exceed 50% of previous dose

Saturable first-pass metabolism

IV form not available in the United States

Class II (beta-blockers)

Uses: Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias (APB, ST, SVT, AF, atrial flutter) and ventricular arrhythmias (often in a supportive role)


For all beta-blockers: GI disturbances, insomnia, nightmares, lethargy, erectile dysfunction, possible AV block in patients with AV node dysfunction; worsening of reactive airway disease (worse with the "non-selective" beta-blockers, propranolol, nadolol, timolol)For all beta-blockers: GI disturbances, insomnia, nightmares, lethargy, erectile dysfunction, possible AV block in patients with AV node dysfunction; worsening of reactive airway disease (worse with the "non-selective" beta-blockers, propranolol, nadolol, timolol)

Relatively contraindicated in patients with bronchospastic airway disorders










Class III (membrane-stabilizing drugs)

Uses: Any tachyarrhythmia except torsades de pointes VT


Pulmonary toxicity, QTc prolongation; torsades de pointes VT; bradycardia; gray or blue discoloration of sun-exposed skin; hepatic abnormalities; peripheral neuropathy; corneal microdeposits, altered thyroid function; serum creatinine increase

Noncompetitive beta-blocking, calcium channel blocking, and sodium channel blocking effects, with a long delay in onset of action

Prolongs refractoriness more homogeneously than other QT-prolonging drugs, so torsades de pointe VT is less common

IV form can be used for rhythm conversion


Torsades de pointes VT



Also has class II properties

Used to treat potentially lethal refractory ventricular tachyarrhythmias (intractable VT, recurrent VF)


Torsades de pointes VT

Contraindicated with prolonged QTc or decreased GFR


QTc prolongation, torsades de pointes VT, bradycardia, GI upset, hepatotoxicity, serum creatinine increase

Modified amiodarone molecule with shorter half-life, smaller volume of distribution, fewer adverse effects, and poorer efficacy

Should not be used with history of heart failure or with permanent AF


Torsades de pointes VT

Used to terminate AF and atrial flutter


Similar to class II; possible depressed left ventricular function and torsades de pointes VT

Clinically available formulations also have beta blocking (class II) activity

Avoid with renal insufficiency


Hypotension (especially with heart failure)

Bradyarrhythmias (especially with concomitant beta-blockade)

Used to terminate recent-onset AF

Not available in the United States

Class IV (calcium channel blockers)

Uses: Termination of SVT and slowing of rapid AF or atrial flutter


May precipitate VF in patients with VT, negative inotropy

IV form is used to slow ventricular response rate to AF or atrial flutter


May precipitate of VF in patients with VT, negative inotropy

IV form is used to terminate narrow-complex tachycardias involving the AV node

Other antiarrhythmics


Dyspnea, chest discomfort, and flushing, bronchospasm

Slows or blocks AV nodal conduction

Extremely short duration of action

Contraindications include asthma and high-grade heart block

Dipyridamole potentiates effects


GI symptoms; multiple arrhythmias (VPBs, VT, APBs, atrial tachycardia, second-degree or third-degree AV block, or combinations)

Contraindicated with ventricular pre-excitation (manifest Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome) because digoxin shortens refractory periods of the accessory connection; if AF occurs, ventricular response may be excessive and life-threatening

* Availability uncertain.

† QRS duration is expected to widen. Medication is changed only if duration increase is excessive.

Amiodarone dosing varies significantly by age and indication; manufacturer's prescribing information should be checked. ‡ Amiodarone dosing varies significantly by age and indication; manufacturer's prescribing information should be checked.

AF = atrial fibrillation; APB = atrial premature beat; AV = atrioventricular; GFR = glomerular filtration rate; GI = gastrointestinal; IV = intravenous; LV = left ventricular; QTc = QT interval corrected for heart rate; SVT = supraventricular tachycardia; VF = ventricular fibrillation; VPB = ventricular premature beat; VT = ventricular tachycardia.