Lower GI Bleeding and Risk of Severe Bleeding


Pulse 100 beats per minute or more (1 point)

Sys BP ≤115 mmHg (1 point)

Patient had associated syncope (1 point)

Blood per rectum during first 4 hours of evaluation (1 point)

Patient on aspirin (1 point)

3 or more comorbid conditions present (1 point)

Total Criteria Point Count:


Risk of Severe Bleeding

0 points: 9% Risk
1 to 3 points: 43% Risk
4 to 6 points: 84% Risk


  1. Strate LL, Orav EJ, Syngal S. Early predictors of severity in acute lower intestinal tract bleeding. Arch Intern Med. 2003; 163: 838-43. PubMed ID: 12695275 PubMed Logo



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