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Brain Death

ByKenneth Maiese, MD, Rutgers University
Reviewed/Revised Apr 2024
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Brain death, also known as brain death/death by neurologic criteria, refers to a permanent loss of brain function that cannot resume spontaneously and cannot be restored by medical interventions. Function of the entire cerebrum and brain stem is lost, resulting in coma, no spontaneous respiration, and loss of all brain stem reflexes. Spinal reflexes, including deep tendon, plantar flexion, and withdrawal reflexes, may remain.

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The concept of brain death developed because ventilators and medications can perpetuate cardiopulmonary and other body functions despite complete cessation of all cerebral activity. The determination that brain death/death by neurologic criteria (ie, total cessation of integrated brain function, especially that of the brain stem) constitutes a person’s death has been accepted legally and culturally in most of the world.

Brain death/death by neurologic criteria cannot be determined in infants < 37 weeks old.

Diagnosis of Brain Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria

  • Serial determination of clinical criteria to demonstrate permanent loss of brain function, including that of the brain stem

  • Apnea testing

  • Sometimes electroencephalography (EEG), brain vascular imaging, or both

For a clinician to declare brain death (see table Guidelines for Determining Brain Death (in Patients ≥ 37 Weeks Old) (1), the following requirements must be met:

  • A known catastrophic and permanent brain injury must have occurred.

  • A structural or metabolic cause of brain damage must be present.

  • Use of potentially anesthetizing (including nervous system depressants and alcohol) or paralyzing medications and illicit drugs, especially self-administered, must be excluded.

  • Potentially reversible metabolic abnormalities, including hypoglycemia and acid-base and electrolyte abnormalities, must be excluded.

Brain death should not be declared or considered and brain death assessment should not be done if any of the following is present:

  • The patient is breathing spontaneously.

  • The patient can be aroused.

  • The patient is not in coma.

  • The patient has intact brain stem reflexes.

Clinicians who evaluate brain death (eg, neurologists, neurosurgeons, intensivists) need sufficient training and must be credentialed. Brain death assessment should not begin until at least 24 hours after a brain injury capable of causing brain death.

If hypothermia is present, a core temperature < 36° C must be increased slowly to > 36° C for ≥ 24 hours. Systolic blood pressure should be ≥ 100 mm Hg, and arterial pressure should be maintained at ≥ 75 mm Hg. If status epilepticus is suspected, EEG should be done. In adults, after all complicating medical conditions have been excluded and a comprehensive neurologic examination with the required testing has been done, brain death can be confirmed. At least 1 complete brain death assessment by a clinician must be done for an adult, but doing at least 1 additional brain death examination subsequently by the same or another independent clinician is recommended to reduce the risk of a false-positive assessment. For children, some states advise clinicians to do 2 separate examinations by independent clinicians separated by at least 48 hours (1).

Examination includes

  • Assessment of pupil reactivity

  • Assessment of oculovestibular, oculocephalic, and corneal reflexes

  • Apnea testing

Sometimes EEG or tests of brain perfusion are used to confirm absence of brain activity or brain blood flow and thus provide additional evidence to family members, but these tests are not usually required. They are indicated when apnea testing is not hemodynamically tolerated and when only 1 neurologic examination is desirable (eg, to expedite organ procurement for transplantation).


Diagnosis reference

  1. 1. Greer DM, Kirschen MP, Lewis A, et al: Pediatric and adult brain death/death by neurologic criteria consensus guideline: Report of the AAN Guidelines Subcommittee, AAP, CNS, and SCCM. Neurology 101 (24):1112–1132, 2023. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000207740 Epub 2023 Oct 11.

Prognosis for Brain Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria

The diagnosis of brain death is equivalent to the person’s death. No further treatment can prevent death.

After brain death is confirmed, all supporting cardiac and respiratory treatments are ended. Cessation of ventilatory support results in terminal arrhythmias. Spinal motor reflexes may occur during terminal apnea; they include arching of the back, neck turning, stiffening of the legs, and upper extremity flexion (the so-called Lazarus sign). Family members who wish to be present when the ventilator is shut off need to be warned of such reflex movements.

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