Substance use among adolescents ranges from abstinence to experimentation to severe substance use disorders. All substance use, even experimental use, puts adolescents at risk of short-term problems, such as motor vehicle crashes, fights, unwanted sexual activity, and overdose. Adolescents who use substances have higher rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and are more likely to develop a substance use disorder.
Adolescents are vulnerable to the effects of substance use and are at increased risk of developing long-term consequences, such as mental health disorders, underachievement in school, poor functioning in adulthood, and higher rates of addiction, if they regularly use alcohol, cannabis (marijuana), nicotine, or other substances during adolescence.
In many societies, substance use is an easy way for adolescents to satisfy the normal developmental need to take risks and seek thrills. Not surprisingly, substance use is common as adolescents get older, and many adolescents will try alcohol before high school graduation. Recurring or ongoing substance use is much less common, but even occasional substance use is risky and should not be trivialized, ignored, or allowed by adults. Parental attitudes and the examples that parents set regarding their own use of alcohol, tobacco, prescription medications, and other substances are a powerful influence.
The type of substances used by adolescents and the potency of those substances varies depending on individual, local, and national factors. In the United States, the risk of developing both short- and long-term consequences has increased because a broad range of more potent, addictive, and dangerous products, such as prescription opioids, high-potency cannabis products, nicotine vaping, fentanyl, and e-cigarettes, has become available.
One such short-term consequence is the risk of drug overdose. An overdose refers to receiving too much of a substance, such as a medication, an illicit drug, or alcohol, at once. An overdose can be life threatening. The number of overdoses among adolescents in the United States has been increasing because of the increased presence of illicitly made fentanyl. Fentanyl is more potent than morphine or heroin, and smaller amounts of fentanyl can lead to a fatal overdose. Adolescents who obtain counterfeit pills or other substances may be unaware that they contain fentanyl and that they are at risk of an overdose.
The COVID-19 pandemic had a mixed impact on adolescent substance use. During stay-at-home periods, the rate of adolescents who started to use substances for the first time decreased, but, at the same time, the rate of heavy use increased because some adolescents who were already using substances increased their use as a mechanism for coping with stress.
The substances that are used most commonly by adolescents in the United States are alcohol, nicotine (in tobacco or vaping products), and cannabis.
(See also Introduction to Health Care Issues in Adolescents.)
Alcohol Use in Adolescents
Alcohol is the substance most often used by adolescents. The Monitoring the Future Survey on Drug Use is a long-term study of substance use conducted by the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse on adolescents in the United States. This survey reported that in 2023 by 12th grade, 46% of adolescents have tried alcohol in the past year, 33% have been drunk in the past year, 24.3% have consumed alcohol in the past 30 days, and 10% have consumed more than 5 drinks in a row in the prior 2 weeks.
Heavy alcohol use is also common, and nearly 90% of all alcohol consumed by adolescents occurs during a binge. A binge is defined as a pattern of alcohol consumption that raises the blood alcohol level to 80 milligrams per deciliter (17.37 millimoles per liter). The number of drinks that constitute a binge depends on age and sex and can be as few as 3 drinks within 2 hours for younger adolescent girls. However, because adolescents often drink alcohol directly from the bottle or pour their own drinks, a drink for them may be larger than a "standard" drink for adults. Binges put adolescents at risk of accidents, injuries, unprotected or unwanted sexual activity, and other unfortunate situations. For these reasons, adolescents should be discouraged from drinking.
In some societies, drinking is portrayed in the media as acceptable, fashionable, or even as a healthful mechanism for managing stress, sadness, or mental health issues. Despite these influences, parents can make a difference by conveying clear expectations to their adolescent regarding drinking, setting limits consistently, and monitoring. On the other hand, adolescents whose family members drink excessively may think this behavior is acceptable.
Some adolescents who try alcohol develop an alcohol use disorder. Risk factors for developing a disorder include starting drinking at a young age and genetics. Adolescents who have a family member with an alcohol use disorder should be made aware of their increased risk of developing a substance use disorder and should receive counseling and support from a health care professional.
Tobacco Use in Adolescents
The majority of adults who smoke cigarettes began smoking during adolescence. Adolescents who try cigarettes at age 13 or before are more likely than other adolescents to continue to smoke tobacco as adults.
Combustible tobacco products are products that need to be burned so they can be consumed, for example, conventional cigarettes, cigars, and hookahs. Rates of combustible tobacco use among adolescents fell dramatically in the 1990s and 2000s and continue to decline.
The Monitoring the Future Survey reported that in 2023, approximately 2.9% of 12th graders reported current cigarette use (smoked in the previous 30 days), which was down from 28.3% in 1991. Only approximately 0.7% of 12th graders reported smoking every day.
Risk factors for adolescent smoking are
Having parents who smoke
Having peers and role models (such as celebrities) who smoke
Vaping tobacco (a risk factor for smoking conventional cigarettes)
Use of alcohol or other substances
Mental health disorders or learning disabilities
Poor school performance
Availability of cigarettes
Poor self-esteem
Pipe smoking is relatively rare in the United States. The percentage of people over age 12 who smoke cigars has declined.
Adolescents may also use tobacco products in other forms. Approximately 2.5% of 12th graders are current users of smokeless tobacco. Smokeless tobacco can be chewed (chewing tobacco), placed between the lower lip and gum (dipping tobacco, or dip), or inhaled into the nose (snuff).
Parents can help prevent their adolescent from smoking and using smokeless tobacco products by being positive role models (that is, by not smoking or chewing), openly discussing the hazards of tobacco, and encouraging adolescents who already smoke or chew to quit, including supporting them in seeking medical assistance if necessary.
Electronic Cigarettes (Vaping Products)
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes, e-cigs, vapes) are battery-operated devices that use heat to turn a liquid into a vapor that can be inhaled. These liquids typically contain nicotine, which is the active ingredient in tobacco, or tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the active ingredient in cannabis. Both nicotine and THC are addictive. (See also Vaping.)
E-cigarettes initially entered the market as alternatives to smoking for adult smokers, and initial models were not used much by adolescents. They have since morphed into "vapes," which are highly attractive to, and have become increasingly popular among, adolescents over the past several years, especially among adolescents of middle and upper social and economic status. Current e-cigarette use (nicotine vaping, not counting other substances) among 12th graders increased markedly from 11% in 2017 to 25.5% in 2019. However, according to the Monitoring the Future Survey, in 2023 e-cigarette use decreased to 16.9%. According to that same survey, in 2023 approximately 22.1% of 12th graders tried e-cigarettes (nicotine and other substances).
E-cigarettes cause different negative health effects than smoking tobacco. However, like regular cigarettes, chemicals contained in e-cigarettes can cause lung injuries. Lung injuries can be sudden, severe, or long-lasting and, when most severe, lethal. In addition, these products can deliver very high concentrations of nicotine and THC. THC and nicotine are highly addictive, and toxicity is possible. Secondhand vapor from e-cigarettes exposes people to nicotine and other chemicals.
E-cigarettes are increasingly the initial form of exposure for adolescents to nicotine, but their effect on the rate of adult smoking is unclear. The long-term risks of e-cigarettes are not currently known.
Cannabis (Marijuana)
The Monitoring the Future Survey reported that in 2023 18.4% of 12th graders were current cannabis users, which is a decrease from 22.3% in 2019. Approximately 36.5% of 12th graders reported having used cannabis 1 or more times in their life. In 2010, the rate of current cannabis use surpassed the rate of current tobacco use for the first time.
The most significant increase in cannabis use is in THC vaping. The number of 12th graders who reported current THC vaping increased from 4.9% in 2017 to 14% in 2019 (see also vaping products). This percentage decreased slightly to 13.7% in 2023.
Other Substances
Use of substances other than alcohol, nicotine, and cannabis during adolescence is less common.
In the 2023 Monitoring the Future Survey, the following percentages of 12th graders reported using illicit substances 1 or more times in their life:
Inhalants (for example, glue, aerosols): 6.3%
Hallucinogens (for example, LSD, PCP, mescaline, mushrooms): 6.6%
CocaineCocaine: 1.3%
Methamphetamines (nonprescription): 0.6%
Heroin: 0.2%
Prescription medications that are most often misused include opioid (narcotic) pain relievers, antianxiety medications, sedatives, and stimulants (for example, medications used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder such as methylphenidate and similar medications).
Nonprescription, over-the-counter (OTC) medications that are commonly misused include cough and cold medications that contain dextromethorphan. OTC cough and cold medications are widely available and are considered safe by many adolescents.
Even young adolescents may try illicit drugs, with some reporting illicit drug use as early as age 12. Many adolescents who experiment with OTC, prescription, and other substances go on to develop substance use disorders.
Although anabolic steroid use is more common among athletes, non-athletes use them too. Use of anabolic steroids is associated with a number of side effects. A problem specific to adolescents includes premature closure of the growth plates at the ends of bones, resulting in permanent short stature. Other side effects are common to both adolescents and adults.
Diagnosis of Substance Use in Adolescents
A doctor's evaluation, including routine screening and use of screening tools
Sometimes a drug test
There are behavioral and physical signs that a child may be drinking alcohol or using substances. Knowing the signs can help parents and caregivers determine whether their child should be seen by a health care professional.
Some behavioral signs of possible substance use:
Depression or mood swings, change in attitude
Acting paranoid, irritable, or anxious
Having difficulty staying on task or staying focused
Stealing, lying
Becoming secretive, locking bedroom door
A change in friends
Declining school performance
Loss of interest in hobbies
Acting aggressive or angry or irresponsibly
Sleeping more or less than usual
Missing school, sports, or work
Some physical signs of possible substance use:
Poor hygiene/change in appearance
Glazed, watery, or bloodshot eyes
Pupils larger (dilated) or smaller (constricted) than usual
Frequent nosebleeds or runny nose
Sores in the mouth, on the lips, or both
Puffy face
Small track marks (due to needle use) on arms or legs, wearing long sleeves (even in warm weather)
Shaking hands or cold, sweaty palms
Shakes or tremors
Sudden weight loss
Parents also should be concerned about possible substance use if they find drugs or drug paraphernalia (such as vapes, pipes, syringes, and scales) among their child's possessions.
During routine health care visits, parents should expect their child’s doctor to screen their child for substance use by asking confidential questions about tobacco/nicotine, alcohol, and other substance use, including misuse of prescription medications. Screening tools are used for adolescents age 12 to 17. These brief tools may be self-administered by an adolescent or may be administered by a doctor or other health care professional. The tools begin with questions about frequency of use of tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis in the past year. Additional related questions are generated based on the adolescent's responses. Screening tools can help doctors and other health care professionals assess whether an adolescent has a substance use disorder or is at risk of developing a substance use disorder and implement an appropriate intervention or make a referral for treatment.
Drug tests (including at-home tests) may be a useful part of an assessment but have significant limitations. Results of a urine test may be negative in adolescents who use drugs if the drug has been cleared from the body before the test is done, if a drug not included on a standard testing panel has been used, or if the urine specimen has been contaminated. Sometimes, drug test results are positive in adolescents who have not used drugs (false-positive). Even a true-positive test does not indicate how often and how heavily a drug is used and thus cannot distinguish casual use from more serious problems.
Given these limitations, a doctor with expertise in this area should determine whether a drug test is needed in a given situation. When parents maintain their child’s confidentiality, they make it easier for a doctor to obtain an accurate substance use history and form a trusting relationship with their child. These relationships are important because even very brief interventions by doctors and other health care professionals have been shown to decrease substance use by adolescents.
Treatment of Substance Use in Adolescents
Therapy tailored for adolescents
Sometimes medications
Naloxone for opioid overdose
If the doctor thinks the adolescent has a substance use disorder, a referral for further assessment and treatment may be needed. In general, the same treatment used for adults with substance use disorders, including therapeutic medications and counseling, can also be used with adolescents. However, the treatment should be tailored to the adolescent's needs. Adolescents should receive services from adolescent programs and therapists with expertise in treating adolescents with substance use disorders and should not be treated in the same programs as adults.
Adolescents 16 years old and older who have an opioid use disorder may be treated with a medication called buprenorphine. This medication works by preventing withdrawal symptoms and reducing drug cravings without causing the person to feel high or sleepy. Sometimes, other medications may be used. Adolescents 16 years old and older who have an opioid use disorder may be treated with a medication called buprenorphine. This medication works by preventing withdrawal symptoms and reducing drug cravings without causing the person to feel high or sleepy. Sometimes, other medications may be used.
Therapeutic medications that are used to treat withdrawal symptoms or suppress cravings resulting from the use of nicotine, THC, and other substances are available for adolescents.
Parents can have a strong positive influence on their children by setting a good example (such as using alcohol in moderation and avoiding use of recreational drugs), sharing their values, and setting high expectations regarding staying away from recreational drugs. Parents also should teach children that prescription medications should be used only as directed by a health care professional.
Overdose prevention
Overdose is the third leading cause of death among adolescents in the United States despite the declining use of substances. Because of this, health care professionals may discuss with adolescents how to prevent overdose caused by various substances such as alcohol and illicit drugs.
A medication called naloxone is the antidote to an overdose that is caused by a substance in the class of drugs called opioids (for example, A medication called naloxone is the antidote to an overdose that is caused by a substance in the class of drugs called opioids (for example,codeine, oxycodone, morphine, fentanyl, and heroin).
Naloxone nasal spray can be purchased over-the-counter at grocery stores and pharmacies across the United States and in some other countries. Naloxone is safe to give to people of all ages, from infants to older adults.
More Information
The following are some English-language resources that may be useful. Please note that The Manual is not responsible for the content of these resources.
Al-Anon Family Groups: Access to resources and support for families and friends of people with an alcohol use disorder
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): An international fellowship of nonprofessional men and women who support each other to confront and overcome a drinking problem
American Lung Association: Kids and Smoking: Resources about how to prevent children from smoking and how to help those that smoke to quit
Narcotics Anonymous (NA): Support resources and a recovery program for people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol
National Institutes on Drug Abuse (NIDA): Agency within the U.S. National Institutes of Health that has information specific to children and adolescents about how substances affect their brain, facts about widely used substances, and links to related content
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): Agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to reduce the impact of substance use and mental illness on America's communities