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Chest Wall Tumors

ByRobert L. Keith, MD, Division of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine, University of Colorado School of Medicine
Reviewed/Revised Dec 2022

Chest wall tumors, which may be cancerous or noncancerous, are tumors of the rib cage and its muscles, connective tissues, and nerves, that can interfere with lung function.

(See also Overview of Lung Tumors.)

Tumors of the chest wall may develop in the chest wall (called a primary tumor) or spread (metastasize) to the chest wall from a cancer located elsewhere in the body. Almost half of chest wall tumors are noncancerous (benign).

The most common noncancerous chest wall tumors are osteochondroma, chondroma, and fibrous dysplasia.

A wide range of cancerous (malignant) chest wall tumors exist. Over half are cancers that have spread to the chest wall from distant organs or by direct spread from nearby structures, such as a breast or a lung. The most common cancerous tumors arising from the chest wall are sarcomas.

Chondrosarcomas are the most common primary chest wall sarcoma and arise from cartilage of the anterior tract of ribs and less commonly of the sternum, scapula, or clavicle. Bone tumors include osteosarcoma and small-cell malignant tumors (such as Ewing sarcoma or Askin tumor).

The most common soft-tissue primary cancerous tumors are fibrosarcomas (desmoids and neurofibrosarcomas) and malignant fibrous histiocytomas. Other primary tumors include chondroblastomas, osteoblastomas, melanomas, lymphomas, rhabdomyosarcomas, lymphangiosarcomas, multiple myeloma, and plasmacytomas.

Symptoms of Chest Wall Tumors

A lump in the chest wall may be the only symptom if a tumor occurs in the soft tissue of the chest wall. Some people have fever.

People usually do not have pain until the tumor is advanced.

Tumors that form in the bone or cartilage are often painful.

Diagnosis of Chest Wall Tumors

  • Imaging

  • Biopsy

Sometimes a chest wall tumor is detected when chest imaging is done for some other reason.

People with chest wall tumors require imaging tests, such as chest x-ray, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and sometimes positron emission tomography (PET)–CT to determine the original site and extent of the tumor and whether it has developed in the chest wall tumor or is a metastasis from a tumor elsewhere in the body. A biopsy may be done to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment of Chest Wall Tumors

  • Surgery

  • Sometimes combination chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery

Most chest wall tumors are removed surgically. If needed, the chest wall is then reconstructed, sometimes with tissues from elsewhere in the body.

In other cases, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, either alone or in combination, are used for treatment.

Prognosis for Chest Wall Tumors

Prognosis varies by cancer type, cell differentiation, and stage. However, because these tumors are rare, there is not much information on the usual course of the disease. As with most cancers, survival is better with early-stage disease.

More Information

The following English language resources provide information and support for patients and their caregivers. THE MANUAL is not responsible for the content of these resources.

  1. American Cancer Society: General information on all types of cancer, including prevention, testing, treatments and information for people living with cancer and their caregivers

  2. American Cancer Society: Lung Cancer: More specific information from ACS on lung cancer, including types, screening and treatments

  3. American Lung Association: General information on all types of lung diseases, including lung cancer and quitting smoking

  4. CancerCare: General information about all types of cancer, including resources for counseling and support groups

  5. CancerCare: Lung Cancer: More specific information from Cancer Care for people with lung cancer, including support services and links to additional resources

  6. National Cancer Institute: U. S. government resource on cancer, including research updates and information on clinical trials

  7. National Cancer Institute: Lung Cancer: More specific information from the NCI on lung cancer, especially advances in treatment and the latest research findings

  8. National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship: Advocates for high quality care for all people with cancer

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