Some Causes of Vaginal Bleeding in Infants and Children


Common Features*

Diagnostic Approach

During infancy

Exposure to the mother's estrogen before birth

A small amount of bleeding during the first 1–2 weeks of life

A doctor's evaluation

During childhood

A foreign object in the vagina

Usually a foul-smelling discharge, often containing small amounts of blood

Sometimes a history of having inserted an object into the vagina

A doctor's evaluation

Sometimes a pelvic examination after the girl is sedated or given a general anesthetic

Early (precocious) puberty

Development of breasts and appearance of pubic and underarm hair (as occurs during puberty) at a young age

A doctor's evaluation

X-rays of the hand and wrist to check for speeded-up growth of bones

Blood tests to measure hormone levels

Physical trauma (including sexual abuse)

Recent history of a fall or other possible cause of injury to the vaginal area

Difficulty walking or sitting and/or bruises or tears around the genitals, anus, or mouth

Vaginal discharge or redness

A doctor's evaluation

Tests for sexually transmitted infections

Prolapse (protrusion) of the lining of the urethra)

Small amount vaginal bleeding or blood on toilet paper or in toilet after urination

Sometimes pain with urination

A doctor's evaluation

Urine culture (to evaluate for urinary tract infection)

Dermatitis (allergic reaction or irritation of the vagina or genital area caused by chemicals)

Sometimes vaginal or vulvar bleeding

Vaginal or vulvar redness and/or swelling

Sometimes vaginal or vulvar itching or vaginal discharge

A doctor's evaluation

Identifying products (such as toilet paper, soaps, bubble bath, laundry detergent) that come into contact with the genital area that may be the cause and stopping their use

Lichen sclerosus

White patches on the vulva

Vulvar itching

Usually a doctor's evaluation alone

Sometimes a biopsy

Gynecologic cancer (rare in children)

A mass visible at the opening of the vagina

Persistent abdominal pain or swelling

A doctor's evaluation

Sometimes an ultrasound of the pelvic area and abdomen

* Features include symptoms and results of the doctor's examination. Features mentioned are typical but not always present.