Some Causes of Vaginal Bleeding in Nonpregnant Women


Common Features*

Diagnostic Approach

During the childbearing years

Hormonal imbalance (ovulatory dysfunction)

Usually irregular menstrual periods

Sometimes bleeding that lasts longer or is heavier than typical menstrual periods

Tests to rule out other possible causes, including blood tests and usually transvaginal ultrasound (the ultrasound device is inserted in the vagina)

Fibroids (masses in the muscle layer of the uterus)

Often no symptoms

With large fibroids, sometimes pain, pressure, or a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area

Transvaginal ultrasound

Sometimes sonohysterography (ultrasound after fluid is injected into the uterus)

MRI, if ultrasound results are inconclusive


A slow heart rate

Weight gain

Intolerance of cold

Dry and coarse skin

Coarse facial features and dullness of facial expression


Blood tests to measure thyroid hormone levels

Gestational trophoblastic disease (growth of abnormal tissue in the placenta related to a pregnancy)

Severe nausea and vomiting

An abdomen that becomes larger much faster than it does in a normal pregnancy

A pregnancy test

Transvaginal ultrasound

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Irregular or no menstrual periods

Excess body hair (hirsutism) and/or acne

Sometimes obesity

Sometimes darkened and thickened skin in the underarm, on the nape of the neck, and in skinfolds

Blood tests to measure levels of hormones, such as dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and testosterone  

Transvaginal ultrasound

Polyps of the cervix or uterus

Sometimes no symptoms

Bleeding that occurs between menstrual periods or after sexual intercourse

A pelvic examination

Sometimes transvaginal ultrasound, sonohysterography, or hysteroscopy (insertion of a viewing tube through the vagina to view inside the uterus)

Sometimes evaluation under a microscope of the polyp to check for cancer (after a procedure to remove the polyp)

Complications due to an unrecognized pregnancy

  • A miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) or one that may occur (threatened abortion)

  • Ectopic pregnancy (an abnormally located pregnancy—not in its usual place in the uterus)

Sharp or crampy pelvic pain or low back pain

Sometimes passage of tissue through the vagina (usually occurs in a miscarriage)

If an ectopic pregnancy ruptures, constant severe pelvic pain and sometimes light-headedness, fainting, or dangerously low blood pressure (shock)

A pregnancy test

Transvaginal ultrasound

Sometimes for a suspected ectopic pregnancy, laparoscopy (insertion of a thin viewing tube into the abdomen) or laparotomy (a large incision into the abdomen enabling doctors to directly view organs)

Spotting or bleeding between periods (breakthrough bleeding) usually during the first months that oral or other hormonal contraceptives are used

Often no other symptoms

Sometimes transvaginal ultrasound to rule out other causes

After menopause

Thinning of the lining of the vagina†

Vaginal dryness

Pain during sexual intercourse

Examination under a microscope and analysis of a sample of vaginal discharge

Thickening of the lining of the uterus (endometrial hyperplasia) or cancer of the lining of the uterus (endometrium)

Often no other symptoms

Sometimes new onset of vaginal bleeding

Sometimes transvaginal ultrasound, sonohysterography, or hysteroscopy

Biopsy of tissue taken from the lining of the uterus

Cancer of the cervix

Often no other symptoms until the cancer is advanced

Sometimes vaginal bleeding (often after vaginal sex) or a brown or bloody vaginal discharge

Pelvic pain that develops gradually

Sometimes weight loss

Pap test

Colposcopy (examination of the cervix under a microscope, often with biopsy of the cervix)

Sometimes imaging of the pelvis such as ultrasound or CT scan

At any age

Bleeding disorders due to medications, liver disorders, or hereditary disorders (such as von Willebrand disease)

Easy bruising

Excessive bleeding during toothbrushing or after minor cuts

A rash of tiny reddish purple dots (petechiae) or larger splotches (purpura), indicating bleeding in the skin

A complete blood cell count, including the number of platelets

Blood tests to assess the blood’s ability to clot

Injury (including that resulting from sexual abuse)

Sometimes a history of injuries

Often vaginal discharge

Sometimes a doctor's examination alone

If sexual abuse is suspected:

  • Examination under a microscope and analysis of a sample of the discharge

  • Tests to detect sexually transmitted infections using a sample of secretions taken from the cervix

* Features include symptoms and results of the doctor's examination. Features mentioned are typical but not always present.

† Thinning of the lining of the vagina is part of the genitourinary syndrome of menopause, which also includes pain during sexual intercourse, urinary urgency, and urinary tract infections.

CT = computed tomography; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging.

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