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ByEric J. Formeister, MD, MS, Dept. of Head and Neck Surgery and Communication Sciences, Duke University School of Medicine
Reviewed/Revised Jan 2025
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Ear discharge (otorrhea) is drainage exiting the ear. It may be serous, serosanguineous, or purulent. Associated symptoms may include ear pain, fever, pruritus, vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss.

Etiology of Otorrhea

Causes of ear discharge may originate from the ear canal, the tympanic membrane, the middle ear, or the cranial vault. Certain causes tend to manifest acutely because of the severity of their symptoms or associated conditions. Others usually have a more indolent, chronic course but sometimes manifest acutely (see table Some Causes of Ear Discharge).

Overall, the most common causes are

The most serious causes are necrotizing otitis externa (previously called malignant otitis externa), basilar skull fracture, and cancer of the ear.


Evaluation of Otorrhea


History of present illness in patients with ear discharge should cover duration of symptoms and whether symptoms have been recurrent. Important associated symptoms include pain, itching, decreased hearing, vertigo, and tinnitus. Patients are questioned about activities that can affect the canal or tympanic membrane (eg, swimming; insertion of objects, including cotton swabs; use of ear drops). Head trauma sufficient to cause a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak is readily apparent. If a patient with obesity, sleep apnea, positional headaches, or blurry vision has spontaneous CSF otorrhea, idiopathic intracranial hypertension must be suspected.

Review of systems should seek symptoms of cranial nerve deficit and systemic symptoms suggesting granulomatosis with polyangiitis (eg, nasal discharge, cough, joint pains).

Past medical history should note any previous known ear disorders, ear surgery (particularly tympanostomy tube placement), and diabetes or immunodeficiency.

Physical examination

Examination begins with a review of vital signs for fever.

Ear and surrounding tissues (particularly the area over the mastoid) are inspected for erythema and edema. The pinna is pulled and the tragus is pushed gently to see whether pain is worsened.

The ear canal is inspected with an otoscope; the character of discharge and presence of canal lesions, granulation tissue, or foreign body are noted. Edema and discharge may block visualization of all but the distal canal (irrigation should not be used in case there is a tympanic membrane perforation), but when possible, the tympanic membrane is inspected for inflammation, perforation, distortion, and signs of cholesteatoma (eg, canal debris, polypoid mass from tympanic membrane).

When the ear canal is severely swollen at the meatus (eg, as with severe otitis externa) or there is copious drainage, careful suctioning can permit an adequate examination and also allow treatment (eg, application of drops, with or without a wick).

The cranial nerves are tested.

The nasal mucosa is examined for raised, granular lesions, and the skin is inspected for vasculitic lesions, both of which may suggest granulomatosis with polyangiitis.

Red flags

The following findings are of particular concern:

  • Recent major head trauma

  • Any cranial nerve dysfunction (including sensorineural hearing loss or acute vertigo)

  • Fever

  • Erythema of ear or periauricular tissue

  • Diabetes or immunodeficiency

Interpretation of findings

Otoscopic examination can usually diagnose perforated tympanic membrane, otitis media, foreign body, or other uncomplicated sources of otorrhea. Some findings are highly suggestive (see table Some Causes of Ear Discharge). Other findings are less specific but indicate a more serious problem that involves more than a localized external ear or middle ear disorder:

  • Vertigo and tinnitus (disorder of the inner ear)

  • Cranial nerve deficits (disorder involving the skull base, such as infection or tumor)

  • Erythema and tenderness of the ear, surrounding tissues, or both (significant infection)


Many causes of ear discharge are clear after history and physical examination.

If cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage is in question, discharge can be tested for glucose or beta-2 transferrin; these substances are present in CSF but not in other types of discharge.

Patients without an obvious etiology on examination require audiogram and computed tomography (CT) of the temporal bone or gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). When ear canal granulation tissue is present, biopsy should be considered if history and physical examination and CT are not clearly consistent with cholesteatoma.

Treatment of Otorrhea

Treatment is directed at the cause of the ear discharge. Sometimes a wick is placed to allow antibiotics to get into a very swollen ear canal (eg, with severe otitis externa). If there is a strong suspicion of chronic CSF leak, pneumococcal vaccinepneumococcal vaccine should be administered. Most physicians do not treat a suspected CSF leak with antibiotics without a definitive diagnosis because antibiotics might mask the onset of meningitis. Tympanoplasty can be performed to prevent chronic drainage through a perforation. It is recommended that CSF leaks are repaired to reduce the risk of meningitis.

Key Points

  • Acute discharge in a patient without chronic ear problems or immunodeficiency is likely the result of otitis externa or perforated otitis media.

  • Severe otitis externa may require specialty referral for more extensive cleaning and possible wick placement.

  • Patients with chronic or recurrent ear symptoms (diagnosed or undiagnosed), cranial nerve findings, or systemic symptoms should have specialty referral.

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