Professional edition active

Bacterial Nasal Infections

ByMarvin P. Fried, MD, Montefiore Medical Center, The University Hospital of Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Reviewed/Revised Jul 2023 | Modified Jan 2025
View Patient Education

    Nasal vestibulitis is bacterial infection of the nasal vestibule, typically with Staphylococcus aureus. It may result from nose picking or excessive nose blowing and causes annoying crusts and bleeding when the crusts slough off. Mupirocin ointment applied topically 2 times a day for 14 days is effective.. It may result from nose picking or excessive nose blowing and causes annoying crusts and bleeding when the crusts slough off. Mupirocin ointment applied topically 2 times a day for 14 days is effective.

    Furuncles of the nasal vestibule are usually staphylococcal; they may develop into spreading cellulitis of the tip of the nose. Systemic antistaphylococcal antibiotics (eg, cephalexin 500 mg orally 4 times a day) are given and warm compresses and topical mupirocin are applied. Furuncles are incised and drained to prevent local thrombophlebitis and subsequent of the nasal vestibule are usually staphylococcal; they may develop into spreading cellulitis of the tip of the nose. Systemic antistaphylococcal antibiotics (eg, cephalexin 500 mg orally 4 times a day) are given and warm compresses and topical mupirocin are applied. Furuncles are incised and drained to prevent local thrombophlebitis and subsequentcavernous sinus thrombosis.

    Treatment of community-associated methicillin-resistant S. aureus infections should be directed by culture and sensitivity test results. Typically, clindamycin, infections should be directed by culture and sensitivity test results. Typically, clindamycin,trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazoletrimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole, and doxycycline are effective against most strains. , and doxycycline are effective against most strains.

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