Contrast Nephropathy

ByFrank O'Brien, MD, Washington University in St. Louis
Reviewed/Revised Jan 2024
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Contrast nephropathy is worsening of renal function after IV administration of radiocontrast and is usually temporary. Diagnosis is based on a progressive rise in serum creatinine 24 to 48 hours after contrast is given. Treatment is supportive. Volume loading with isotonic saline before and after contrast administration may help in prevention.

(See also Overview of Tubulointerstitial Diseases.)

Contrast nephropathy is acute tubular necrosis

The precise mechanism of radiocontrast toxicity is unknown but is suspected to be some combination of renal vasoconstriction and direct cytotoxic effects, perhaps through formation of reactive oxygen species, causing acute tubular necrosis.

Most patients have no symptoms. Renal function usually later returns to normal.

Risk factors for contrast nephropathy

Risk factors for nephrotoxicity are the following:

  • Older age

  • Preexisting chronic kidney disease

  • Diabetes mellitus

  • Heart failure

  • Multiple myeloma

  • High doses (eg, > 100 mL) of a hyperosmolar contrast agent (eg, during percutaneous coronary interventions)

  • Factors that reduce renal perfusion, such as volume depletion or the concurrent use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), diuretics, or angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors

  • Concurrent use of nephrotoxic medications (eg, aminoglycosides)

  • Liver failure

Diagnosis of Contrast Nephropathy

  • Serum creatinine measurement

Diagnosis is based on a progressive rise in serum creatinine 24 to 48 hours after a contrast study.

After femoral artery catheterization, contrast nephropathy may be difficult to distinguish from renal atheroembolism. Factors that can suggest renal atheroemboli include the following:

  • Delay in onset of increased creatinine > 48 hours after the procedure

  • Presence of other atheroembolic findings (eg, livedo reticularis of the lower extremities or bluish discoloration of the toes)

  • Persistently poor renal function that may deteriorate in a stepwise fashion

  • Transient eosinophilia or eosinophiluria and low C3 complement levels (measured if atheroemboli are seriously considered)

Treatment of Contrast Nephropathy

  • Supportive care

Treatment is supportive.

Prevention of Contrast Nephropathy

Preventing contrast nephropathy involves avoiding contrast when possible (eg, not using CT to diagnose appendicitis) and, when contrast is necessary for patients with risk factors, using a nonionic agent with the lowest osmolality at a low dose.

heart failure. Nephrotoxic medications are avoided before and after the procedure.

Periprocedural continuous venovenous hemofiltration has no proven benefit compared with other less invasive strategies in preventing acute kidney injury in patients who have chronic kidney disease and who require high doses of contrast; also, it is not practical. Therefore, this procedure is not recommended. Patients undergoing regular hemodialysis for end-stage kidney disease who require contrast do not need supplementary, prophylactic hemodialysis after the procedure.

Key Points

  • Although most patients recover from use of iodinated radiocontrast without clinical consequences, all such radiocontrast is nephrotoxic.

  • Suspect contrast nephropathy if serum creatinine increases 24 to 48 hours after a contrast study.

  • Decrease the risk of contrast nephropathy, particularly in patients at risk, by minimizing the use and volume of contrast and expanding volume when possible.

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