Overview of Cancer Therapy

ByRobert Peter Gale, MD, PhD, DSC(hc), Imperial College London
Reviewed/Revised Jul 2024
View Patient Education

    Treatment of cancer involves destroying malignant cells. Curative treatment requires eliminating all cells capable of causing cancer recurrence in a person's lifetime. The major modalities of therapy are

    Surgery may be used alone or in combination with other modalities. The size, type, and location of the cancer may determine operability and outcome. Sometimes neoadjuvant chemotherapy is administered to decrease tumor size, to facilitate optimal surgical resection. The presence of metastases typically precludes curative surgery.

    Radiation therapy is used to treat many cancers, particularly those that are radiosensitive, are localized, and can be completely encompassed within a radiation field. Radiation therapy is often combined with surgery or systemic therapy.

    Systemic cancer treatment modalities include

    Often, modalities are combined to create a treatment program that is appropriate for the patient, based on patient and tumor characteristics as well as patient preferences. Various modalities may be used as the primary treatment or before or after the primary treatment. Terminology (1) used to describe types of cancer therapy includes:

    • Neoadjuvant therapy: Treatment given before the primary treatment (usually before surgery) to decrease tumor size and thus optimize the primary treatment (eg, make complete surgical resection feasible).

    • Primary treatment: The main treatment given for a malignancy after initial diagnosis. It is given with curative intent, if possible.

    • Adjuvant therapy: Additional cancer treatment given after the primary treatment to lower the risk that the cancer will recur.

    • Palliative care: Specialized medical care for people with serious illnesses focused on providing relief from the symptoms, pain, and stress of a serious illness. The goal is to improve quality of life for both the patient and the family. For cancer, palliative care may include therapies, such as surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy, to remove, decrease size, or slow growth of a tumor that is causing pain (2).

    Overall treatment should be coordinated among a radiation oncologist, surgeon, and medical oncologist, where appropriate. Choice of modalities constantly evolves, and numerous controlled research trials continue. When available and appropriate, clinical trial participation should be considered and discussed with patients.

    Treatment decisions should weigh the likelihood of adverse effects against the likelihood of benefit; these decisions require frank communication and often the involvement of a multidisciplinary cancer team. Patient preferences for how to live out the end of life (see Advance Directives) should be established early in the course of cancer treatment despite the difficulties of discussing death at such a sensitive time.

    Response to cancer treatment

    Various terms are used to describe the response to treatment (see table Defining Response to Cancer Treatment). Disease-free or progression-free survival often serves as an indicator of cure and varies with cancer type. For example, lung, colon, bladder, large cell lymphomas, and testicular cancers are usually considered cured after 5 years of disease-free survival. However, breast and prostate cancers may recur long after 5 years, an event indicating tumor dormancy; a 10-year disease-free interval is more indicative of cure in these cancers.


    Survival rates with the different modalities, alone and in combination, are listed for selected cancers (see table 5-Year Survival in Various Types of Cancer) (3, 4).


    Supportive care

    Regardless of prognosis, quality of life in cancer patients may improve with nutritional support, effective pain management, other symptomatic palliative care, and psychiatric and social support of the patient and family.

    Above all, patients must know that the clinical team will remain involved and accessible for support, regardless of the prognosis. For patients with incurable disease, hospice or other related end-of-life care programs are important parts of cancer treatment. For more information pertaining to patients with incurable disease, see The Dying Patient.


    1. 1. National Cancer Institute: NCI Dictionaries. NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms - NCI. Accessed May 31, 2024.

    2. 2. Center to Advance Palliative Care: About Palliative Care. Accessed May 31, 2024.

    3. 3. American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts & Figures 2024. Atlanta, American Cancer Society. 2024.

    4. 4. American Cancer Society. Global Cancer Facts & Figures 5th Edition. Atlanta:  American Cancer Society. 2024.

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