Hyphae and Spores in Candidal Vaginitis

Hyphae and Spores in Candidal Vaginitis

Potassium hydroxide (KOH) wet mount shows hyphae and spores; 10% KOH destroys epithelial cells, improving recognition of yeast and hyphae in candidal vulvovaginitis. Use of KOH increases sensitivity of the wet mount to 60 to 80% from 30 to 40% when saline is used.

By permission of the publisher. From Sobel JD. In Atlas of Infectious Diseases: Fungal Infections. Edited by GL Mandell and RD Diamond. Philadelphia, Current Medicine, 2000. Also from Sobel JD. In Atlas of Infectious Diseases. Edited by GL Mandell and MF Rein. Philadelphia, Current Medicine, 1996.

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