Examination for Some Commonly Missed Dislocations and Upper-Extremity Musculoskeletal Injuries


Characteristic History

Physical Finding


Shoulder pain


Electric shock

Restriction of passive external rotation with the elbow flexed

Posterior shoulder (glenohumeral) dislocation, possibly bilateral

History of shoulder dislocation, trauma, or overuse in patients > 40

Inability to maintain a position at 90° of abduction when slight downward pressure is applied (drop-arm test)

Acute complete rotator cuff tear

Various mechanisms (eg, pile-on injury in football, direct blow to joint)

Tenderness over the sternoclavicular joint

Sternoclavicular joint injury

Most often, fall on the point of the shoulder

Tenderness over the acromioclavicular area

Acromioclavicular strain or disruption (shoulder separation)

Wrist pain or swelling

Fall on an outstretched hand

Tenderness over the anatomic snuffbox (located just distal to the radius, between the extensor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, and abductor pollicis longus tendons)

Scaphoid fracture

Various mechanisms

Tenderness over the lunate fossa (in the wrist at the base of the 3rd metacarpal) and pain with axial compression of the 3rd metacarpal

Lunate fracture

Lunate or perilunate dislocation