Modified Marshall Organ Failure Score

Organ System

Score 0*

Score 1

Score 2

Score 3

Score 4

Cardiovascular (systolic blood pressure)†

> 90 mm Hg

< 90 mm Hg (fluid responsive)

< 90 mm Hg (not fluid responsive)

< 90 mm Hg (pH < 7.3)

< 90 mm Hg (pH < 7.2)

Renal (serum creatinine)‡

< 1.4 mg/dL (≤ 134 micromol/L)

1.4–1.8 mg/dL (134–169 micromol/L)

1.9–3.6 mg/dL (170–310 micromol/L)

3.6–4.9 mg/dL (311–439 micromol/L)

> 4.9 mg/dL (> 439 micromol/L)

Respiratory (PaO2/FiO2)§

> 400 mm Hg

301–400 mm Hg

201–300 mm Hg

101–200 mm Hg

≤ 101 mm Hg

* A score of 2 or more in any organ system indicates organ failure.

† Off inotropic support.

‡ A score for patients with preexisting chronic kidney disease depends on the extent of further deterioration of baseline renal function. No formal correction exists for a baseline serum creatinine ≥ 1.5 mg/dL (≥ 134 micromol/L).

§ PaO2 in mm Hg; FiO2 is fractional inspired O2 in decimal fraction (eg, 0.5, rather than 50%).

For nonventilated patients, the FiO2 can be estimated from the following:

Supplemental oxygen: FiO2 (decimal fraction)

  • Room air: 0.21

  • 2 L/minute: 0.25

  • 4 L/minute: 0.3

  • 6–8 L/minute: 0.4

  • 9–10 L/minute: 0.5

Data from Banks PA, Bollen TL, Dervenis C, et al: Classification of acute pancreatitis 2012: Revision of the Atlanta classification and definitions by international consensus. Gut 62:102–111, 2013. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2012-302779

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