Screening Children for Complications of Diabetes and Associated Disorders


Begin Screening

Screening Frequency


Type 1 diabetes


Upon diagnosis

Every visit

Blood pressure measurement


Soon after diagnosis (once diabetes stabilized), age recommendations vary:

  • ADA recommendation: ≥ 2 years old

  • ISPAD recommendation: ≥ 11 years or ≥ 2 years if there is a family history of early cardiovascular disease or hypercholesterolemia

ADA: If LDL ≤ 100 mg/dL (2.59 mmol/L), repeat at 9 to 11 years; then, if < 100 mg/dL, repeat every 3 years

If abnormal, optimize glycemia control and nutritional therapy. For children > 10 years, if after 6 months LDL > 160 mg/dL (4.14 mmol/L) or > 130 mg/dL (3.37 mmol/L) with cardiovascular risk factors, initiate statin therapy.

ISPAD: Every 3 years if results are normal

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and triglyceride levels


After 2 to 5 years of diabetes, start at puberty or at age 10 to 11 years (whichever is earlier)

If normal, 1 year

ADA: If abnormal, repeat with confirmation in 2 of 3 samples over 6 months

Urine albumin:creatinine ratio


After 2 to 5 years of diabetes, start at puberty or at age 10 to 11 years (whichever is earlier)

At regular visits, at least annually

Foot examination with foot pulses, pinprick, 10-g monofilament sensation tests, vibration, and ankle reflexes


After 2 to 5 years of diabetes, start at puberty or at age 10 to 11 years (whichever is earlier)

2 to 4 years

Dilated examination by an ophthalmologist or other trained, experienced clinician

Celiac disease

Upon diagnosis

2 years

Celiac antibodies

Thyroid disease

Upon diagnosis

1 to 2 years if thyroid antibodies are negative, sooner if symptoms of hypothyroidism develop or thyroid antibodies are positive

At diagnosis: Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (T4) levels, thyroid antibodies

Serial monitoring: TSH with reflex to free T4 (done if TSH is abnormal)

Psychosocial issues

Upon diagnosis

At least annually

Evaluation for diabetes distress, depression, disordered eating

Type 2 diabetes


Upon diagnosis

Every visit

Blood pressure measurement


Upon diagnosis

1 year

Same as type 1


Upon diagnosis

1 year

Same as type 1


Upon diagnosis

At regular visits, at least annually

Same as type 1


Upon diagnosis

1 year

Same as type 1

Psychosocial issues

Upon diagnosis

At least annually

Same as type 1

Data from ElSayed NA, Aleppo G, Aroda VR, et al: 14. Children and Adolescents: Standards of Care in Diabetes-2023. Diabetes Care 46(Suppl 1):S230-S253, 2023. doi: 10.2337/dc23-S014 and from Limbert C, Tinti D, Malik F, et al: ISPAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines 2022: The delivery of ambulatory diabetes care to children and adolescents with diabetes. Pediatr Diabetes 23(8):1243-1269, 2022. doi: 10.1111/pedi.13417.

ADA = American Diabetes Association; LDL = low-density lipoprotein; ISPAD = International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes; free T4 = free serum thyroxine; TSH = thyroid-stimulating hormone.