Juvenile Angiofibromas

ByUdayan K. Shah, MD, MBA, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University
Reviewed/Revised Apr 2022
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Juvenile angiofibromas are rare and benign growths that can develop in the nasopharynx. Diagnosis is with imaging. Treatment is excision.

Juvenile angiofibromas are most common among adolescent boys. They are vascular and grow slowly. They can spread into the orbits or cranial vault or recur after treatment.

Symptoms and Signs of Juvenile Angiofibromas

Common symptoms of juvenile angiofibromas include nasal obstruction and epistaxis (sometimes severe, usually unilateral). The tumor may cause facial swelling, eye bulging, or nasal disfigurement or mass.

Diagnosis of Juvenile Angiofibromas

  • CT and MRI

Diagnosis of juvenile angiofibromas usually requires CT and MRI.

Angiography is often done so that the tumor vessels can be embolized before surgery.

Because incising the tumor may cause severe bleeding, incisional biopsy is avoided.

Treatment of Juvenile Angiofibromas

  • Excision and sometimes radiation therapy

Treatment of juvenile angiofibromas is excision. Radiation therapy is sometimes used adjunctively, particularly if complete excision is difficult or impossible or if the tumor recurs.

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