Vancomycin Dosage for Neonates

Serum Creatinine (mg/dL)

Dose* (IV)

Interval of Administration

≤ 28 Week Gestation

> 28 Week Gestation

< 0.5

< 0.7

15 mg/kg

Every 12 hours



20 mg/kg

Every 24 hours



15 mg/kg

Every 24 hours



10 mg/kg

Every 24 hours

> 1.4

> 1.6

15 mg/kg

Every 48 hours

* Dose is given by slow IV infusion, over at least 60 minutes. Begin with a 20 mg/kg loading dose. Ideally, adjust dosage to achieve 24 hours AUC:MIC of 400 mg • hours/L. If this calculation cannot be done, monitor serum trough level (target typically = 10–12 mcg/mL [6.9–8.3 micromol/L]).

AUC = area under the plasma concentration–time curve; MIC = minimum inhibitory concentration.

Adapted from Bradley JS, Nelson JD: Nelson's Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy, ed. 24. Itasca, American Academy of Pediatrics, 2018.