Microscopic polyangiitis is inflammation of mainly small blood vessels throughout the body.
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Symptoms vary depending on which organs are affected.
People have a fever, lose weight, and have achy muscles and joints, as well as various other symptoms.
Blood and urine tests are done, and biopsy is done to confirm the diagnosis.
Treatment depends on disease severity but includes corticosteroids and drugs that suppress the immune system.
(See also Overview of Vasculitis.)
Microscopic polyangiitis is rare. It can occur at any age. The cause of microscopic polyangiitis is unknown. People with this disorder usually have abnormal antibodies called antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies in their blood.
Symptoms of Microscopic Polyangiitis
Most people with microscopic polyangiitis have a fever, feel tired, and lose weight. Muscles and joints often ache.
Various organs may be affected:
Kidneys: The kidneys are affected in up to 90% of people. Blood, protein, and red blood cells appear in the urine, but often there is no sign of kidney malfunction until it is severe. Kidney failure may develop rapidly unless diagnosis and treatment are prompt.
Respiratory tract: If the lungs are affected, bleeding in the lungs may occur, causing people to cough up blood, feel short of breath, or both. The lungs may fill with fluid, and scar tissue may eventually develop. Fluid buildup and scar tissue cause difficulty breathing. Bleeding in the lungs, which may occur early in the disorder, requires immediate medical attention.
Skin: About one-third of people have a rash of reddish purple or brown spots and bumps, usually on the legs, feet, or buttocks. The nails may contain thin purplish lines, indicating bleeding (called splinter hemorrhages). Rarely, the blood supply to the fingers and toes is reduced.
Digestive tract: Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur. Stools may contain blood.
Nerves: People may have tingling, numbness, or weakness in a limb.
Other organs, such as the heart, are affected less often.
Diagnosis of Microscopic Polyangiitis
Doctor's evaluation
Blood and urine tests
Sometimes chest imaging
Doctors suspect microscopic polyangiitis based on symptoms.
Blood and urine tests are done. These tests cannot specifically identify the disorder but can confirm that inflammation is present. Blood tests can also help doctors detect bleeding in the digestive tract. Blood is tested for abnormal antibodies, such as antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA), which attack certain white blood cells. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and levels of C-reactive protein, white blood cells, and platelets can be very high, indicating active inflammation. The level of red blood cells can be very low, indicating severe anemia due to bleeding in the lungs. A sample of urine is tested for red blood cells and protein. This information can help doctors determine whether the kidneys are affected.
A biopsy of affected tissue (usually the skin, lungs, or kidneys) is done to confirm the diagnosis.
Chest imaging is done in people who have respiratory tract symptoms. Computed tomography (CT) is much more likely than a chest x-ray to reveal small amounts of bleeding in the lungs. If there are signs of bleeding, a flexible viewing tube is inserted through the nose or mouth into the airways to directly view the lungs (bronchoscopy). This procedure can confirm the presence of bleeding (or infection, another possible cause of respiratory tract symptoms).
Treatment of Microscopic Polyangiitis
For mild symptoms, corticosteroids and rituximab,or methotrexateFor mild symptoms, corticosteroids and rituximab,or methotrexate
For severe symptoms, rituximab or cyclophosphamideFor severe symptoms, rituximab or cyclophosphamide
If symptoms of microscopic polyangiitis are mild, a corticosteroid plus rituximab or methotrexate, which also suppresses the If symptoms of microscopic polyangiitis are mild, a corticosteroid plus rituximab or methotrexate, which also suppresses theimmune system (immunosuppressant), are given.
If symptoms are severe and vital organs are affected, rituximab or cyclophosphamide,and high doses of a corticosteroid are given. If symptoms are severe and vital organs are affected, rituximab or cyclophosphamide,and high doses of a corticosteroid are given.
More Information
The following English-language resource may be useful. Please note that The Manual is not responsible for the content of this resource.
Vasculitis Foundation: About Microscopic Polyangiitis: Provides information for people with microscopic polyangiitis, including how to find a doctor, learn about research studies, and join patient advocacy groups