Cervical spondylosis is degeneration of the bones in the neck (vertebrae) and the disks between them, putting pressure on (compressing) the spinal cord in the neck.
Osteoarthritis is the most common cause of cervical spondylosis.
The first symptoms are often an unsteady, jerky walk and pain and loss of flexibility in the neck.
Magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography can confirm the diagnosis.
Treatment includes a soft neck collar, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and sometimes surgery.
(See also Overview of Spinal Cord Disorders and Cervical Spinal Stenosis.)
Cervical spondylosis usually affects middle-aged and older adults. It is a common cause of spinal cord dysfunction among those older than 60.
As people age, osteoarthritis becomes more common. It causes vertebrae in the neck to degenerate. When bone in the vertebrae attempts to repair itself, it overgrows, producing abnormal outgrowths of bone (spurs) and narrowing of the spinal canal in the neck. (The spinal canal is the passageway that runs through the center of the spine and contains the spinal cord.) The disks between the vertebrae degenerate, causing the spinal canal to narrow even more. Normally, the disks cushion and protect the spine. But the degenerated disks no longer provide cushioning. As a result, the spinal cord is more susceptible to injury caused by sudden movements. For example, minor neck trauma due to a fall can severely damage the spinal cord. These age-related changes may gradually result in spinal cord compression, causing the cord to malfunction.
Some people are born with a narrow spinal canal. In them, compression due to spondylosis may cause more severe problems.
Often, the spinal nerve roots (the part of spinal nerves located next to the spinal cord—see figure How the Spine Is Organized) are also compressed.
Causes of Cervical Spondylosis
Symptoms of cervical spondylosis may result from compression of the spinal cord, the spinal nerve roots, or both.
If the spinal cord is compressed, the first sign is usually a change in walking. Leg movements may become jerky (spastic), and walking becomes unsteady. Sensation below the neck may be decreased. The neck may be painful and become less flexible. Reflexes in the legs typically become exaggerated, sometimes causing muscles to contract involuntarily (called spasms). Coughing, sneezing, and other movements of the neck may worsen symptoms.
Abnormal sensations and/or paralysis may develop in the hands and feet. Sometimes the hands are affected more than the legs and feet.
If severe, compression may impair bladder and bowel function. If minor neck trauma severely damages the spinal cord, all 4 limbs may suddenly become paralyzed.
If spinal nerve roots are compressed, the neck is usually painful, and the pain often radiates to the head, shoulders, or arms. Gait disturbances are also seen. Muscles in one or both arms may become weak and waste away.
Diagnosis of Cervical Spondylosis
Magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography
Doctors suspect cervical spondylosis based on symptoms, especially in older adults or in people who have osteoarthritis.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), or myelography with CT can confirm the diagnosis. MRI provides much more information because it shows the spinal cord and roots. CT does not show them. However, both procedures show where the spinal canal is narrowed, how compressed the spinal cord is, and which spinal nerve roots may be affected.
Treatment of Cervical Spondylosis
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroids
A soft neck collar
Sometimes surgery
For spasms, a muscle relaxant
Without treatment, symptoms of spinal cord dysfunction due to cervical spondylosis sometimes lessen or remain the same, but they may worsen.
Initially, especially if only nerve roots are compressed, a soft neck collar to support the neck and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or a corticosteroid such as methylprednisolone (given to reduce inflammation) may provide relief. If they do not, surgery may be needed.
If the spinal cord is compressed, surgery is usually needed. An incision may be made through the front or back of the neck. Then, part of the affected vertebrae is removed to make more room for the spinal cord—a procedure called laminectomy. Bone spurs, if present, are removed, and the spine may be stabilized by fusing the vertebrae together. Surgery prevents additional nerve damage, but it usually does not reverse the existing nerve damage. The earlier the surgery, the better the outcome.
Because the spine may be unstable after surgery, people may need to wear a rigid brace to hold the head still while healing occurs.
If muscle spasms occur, muscle relaxants (such as baclofen) may help relieve them.