Perichondritis is infection or inflammation of the tissue that covers the cartilage of the external ear (the pinna or auricle).
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Perichondritis may be caused by
Insect bites
Ear piercings through the cartilage
Ear surgery
A boil on the ear
Spread of infections from the surface of the pinna
The infection also tends to occur in people who have inflammatory disorders (such as granulomatosis with polyangiitis) and whose immune system is weakened or in people who have diabetes.
Photo provided by Bechara Ghorayeb, MD.
Symptoms of Perichondritis
The first symptoms are redness, pain, and swelling of the pinna. The person may have a fever. Pus accumulates between the cartilage and the layer of connective tissue around it (perichondrium). Sometimes the pus cuts off the blood supply to the cartilage, destroying it and leading eventually to a deformed ear (called cauliflower ear). Perichondritis can be destructive, recur, and last a long time.
Treatment of Perichondritis
Antibiotics and corticosteroids
Removal of foreign objects, especially ear piercings through the cartilage part of the pinna
Warm compresses and incision and drainage of abscesses
Pain relievers
Doctors treat perichondritis with antibiotics (such as a fluoroquinolone—for example, ciprofloxacin) and often a corticosteroid by mouth. The choice of antibiotic depends on how severe the infection is and which bacteria are causing it. Doctors treat perichondritis with antibiotics (such as a fluoroquinolone—for example, ciprofloxacin) and often a corticosteroid by mouth. The choice of antibiotic depends on how severe the infection is and which bacteria are causing it.
Doctors remove any foreign objects, such as an earring or a splinter.
If people have an abscess (collection of pus), doctors make an incision to drain the pus, enabling blood to reach the cartilage again, and leave a small drain in place for 24 to 72 hours. Antibiotics are given by mouth. Warm compresses may also help. Doctors may stitch (suture) the perichondrium to the cartilage to ensure that it heals correctly and thus avoid a deformity of the outer ear.
Pain relievers are also given.