Treatment of Pain and Inflammation

ByZacharia Isaac, MD, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Reviewed/Revised Dec 2023

    Professional rehabilitation therapists treat pain and inflammation. Such treatment makes movement easier and enables people to participate more fully in rehabilitation. These treatments are often used before and after exercise therapy and are components of the overall rehabilitation plan. Techniques used include

    For therapists, whether to use heat or cold therapy is often a personal choice made together with the person being treated, although cold therapy seems to be more effective for acute pain. When heat therapy and cold therapy are used, caution must be used to avoid burns and cold injuries.

    Heat therapy

    Heat increases blood flow and makes connective tissue more flexible. It temporarily decreases joint stiffness, pain, and muscle spasms. Heat also may help reduce the buildup of fluid in tissues (edema). Heat therapy is used to reduce pain and stiffness in people with some forms of arthritis, and reduce muscle spasm with injuries such as sprains and strains.

    Heat may be applied to the body’s surface or to deep tissues. Hot packs, infrared heat, paraffin (heated wax) baths, and hydrotherapy (agitated warm water) provide surface heat. Heat may be generated in deep tissues by high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound).


    Low-level laser therapy (cold laser)

    Low-level laser therapy applies light energy to deeper tissues to treat conditions including sprains, strains, neck and back pain, shoulder pain, and fibromyalgia. It should not be used over the eyes, the site of a known cancer, a developing fetus, a pacemaker or other implanted device, or the thyroid gland. The light can trigger a seizure in people with epilepsy who are photosensitive. People in the room during this therapy, including the patient and health care professionals, should wear appropriate safety eyewear.

    Cold therapy (cryotherapy)

    hypothermia). Cold is not applied to tissues with a reduced blood supply (for example, when the arteries are narrowed by peripheral arterial disease).

    Electrical stimulation

    If muscles lack proper nerve input (because of a peripheral nerve injury, spinal cord disorder, or stroke), the muscles quickly waste away (atrophy) and become stiff and contracted (spastic). Electrical stimulation by electrodes placed on the skin causes the muscles to contract, providing a form of exercise that helps prevent atrophy and spasticity.

    One form of electrical stimulation—called transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)—uses low current that does not cause muscles to contract. TENS may be useful for chronic back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, a sprained ankle, shingles, or a localized area of pain. For TENS, a handheld, battery-powered device produces the current, which is applied through electrodes placed on the skin. The device produces a tingling sensation but is not painful.

    Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation may be applied several times a day for 20 minutes to several hours, depending on the severity of the pain. Often, people can be taught to use the TENS device at home as needed. Most people tolerate the therapy well, but not all people experience pain relief. TENS may cause abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias). Thus, people who have a severe heart disorder or an artificial pacemaker should not use it. TENS should not be applied to or near the eyes.


    Neck (cervical) traction may be used in a hospital, rehabilitation center, or at home to treat chronic neck pain due to degeneration of bones in the neck (cervical spondylosis), a ruptured disk, whiplash injuries, or spasm of the neck muscles (torticollis—see Focal and segmental dystonias). Traction is more effective when people are sitting than when they are lying in bed. A system that uses a motor is usually most effective.

    Typically, traction is combined with other physical therapy, including exercises and stretching exercises. Although cervical traction devices are available through consumer catalogues, therapists should select the type of device and determine the amount of weight to be used. People should not use such devices alone. A family member should be available to release the weight gently, which reduces the risk of injury.


    Massage may relieve pain, reduce swelling, and help loosen tight (contracted) tissue. Only a licensed massage therapist should use massage to treat an injury. Massage should not be used to treat infections or inflammation due to blood clots (thrombophlebitis).



    In acupuncture, thin needles are inserted through the skin at specific body sites, often far from the site of pain. The needles may be twirled rapidly and intermittently for a few minutes, or a low electric current is applied through the needles. Acupuncture may stimulate the brain to produce endorphins. Endorphins, produced naturally in the brain, block pain sensations and reduce inflammation. Acupuncture is sometimes used with other treatments to manage recently developed or chronic pain and arthritis. Acupuncture should be done by a certified acupuncturist and with sterile needles.

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