- Overview of Immunodeficiency Disorders
- Ataxia-Telangiectasia
- Chédiak-Higashi Syndrome
- Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD)
- Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis
- Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID)
- DiGeorge Syndrome
- Hyper-IgE Syndrome
- Hyper-IgM Syndrome
- Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency
- Selective Immunoglobulin A (IgA) Deficiency
- Selective Antibody Deficiency With Normal Immunoglobulins
- Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID)
- Spleen Disorders and Immunodeficiency
- Transient Hypogammaglobulinemia of Infancy
- Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
- X-Linked Agammaglobulinemia
- X-Linked Lymphoproliferative Syndrome
- ZAP-70 Deficiency
Chédiak-Higashi syndrome is a very rare hereditary immunodeficiency disorder characterized by recurrent bacterial respiratory and other infections and lack of pigment in the hair, eyes, and skin (albinism).
Topic Resources
People with Chédiak-Higashi syndrome usually have pale skin, light-colored or white hair, and pink or pale blue-gray eyes.
Doctors examine a sample of blood to check for abnormalities and do genetic tests to confirm the diagnosis.
Treatment involves antibiotics to prevent infections, other medications to help the immune system function better, and, if possible, stem cell transplantation.
(See also Overview of Immunodeficiency Disorders.)
Chédiak-Higashi syndrome is a primary immunodeficiency disorder. It is usually inherited as an autosomal (not sex-linked) recessive disorder. That is, 2 genes for the disorder, one from each parent, are required.
People with Chédiak-Higashi syndrome are more susceptible to infections because phagocytes (types of white blood cells, including neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, and macrophages) do not function normally. Phagocytes are cells that ingest and kill microorganisms.
Symptoms of Chédiak-Higashi Syndrome
In Chédiak-Higashi syndrome, little or none of the pigment melanin is formed (called albinism). Melanin gives skin, eyes, and hair their color. Typically, the skin is pale, the hair is light-colored or white, and the eyes may be pink or pale blue-gray.
The disorder may also cause vision problems. For example, the sharpness of vision (acuity) may be reduced, and the eyes may be sensitive to light (photosensitivity). Nystagmus, which causes blurred vision, is common. In nystagmus, the eyes repeatedly move rapidly in one direction, then drift slowly back to their original position.
Chédiak-Higashi syndrome also commonly causes mouth sores, gingivitis, and periodontal disease.
People with Chédiak-Higashi syndrome also have many infections. The infections usually involve the respiratory tract, skin, and membranes lining the mouth.
In about 80% of people, Chédiak-Higashi syndrome progresses, causing fever, jaundice (a yellow color of the skin and eyes), an enlarged liver and spleen, swollen lymph glands, and a tendency to bleed and bruise easily. The disorder can also affect the nervous system, causing weakness, clumsiness, difficulty walking, and seizures. Once these symptoms develop, the syndrome is usually fatal within 30 months.
Diagnosis of Chédiak-Higashi Syndrome
Examination of a blood sample
Genetic testing
A sample of blood is withdrawn and examined under a microscope. Certain abnormalities in white blood cells suggest Chédiak-Higashi syndrome.
The diagnosis can be confirmed with genetic testing using a sample of blood.
Because this disorder is very rare, family members are screened only if they have symptoms suggesting Chédiak-Higashi syndrome.
Treatment of Chédiak-Higashi Syndrome
Antibiotics to prevent infections
Interferon gamma and sometimes corticosteroids
Stem cell transplantation
Treatment of Chédiak-Higashi syndrome involves antibiotics to help prevent infections and interferon gamma (a medication that modifies the immune system) to help the immune system function better.
Corticosteroids and removal of the spleen (splenectomy) sometimes temporarily relieve symptoms.
However, unless stem cell transplantation is done, most people die of infections by the time they are 7 years old. Transplantation of stem cells from a donor with the same tissue type may cure them. Usually, children are given a chemotherapy agent before transplantation (pretransplant conditioning chemotherapy) to reduce the risk of rejection of the transplanted cells. About 60% of children are alive 5 years after transplantation.
More Information
The following English-language resource may be useful. Please note that The Manual is not responsible for the content of this resource.
Immune Deficiency Foundation: Chronic granulomatous disease and other phagocytic cell disorders: Comprehensive information on primary immunodeficiencies, including Chédiak-Higashi syndrome, from diagnosis and treatment to improving the quality of life for people affected