Consumer edition active

Complete Blood Count (CBC)


What It Measures


Amount of this oxygen-carrying protein within a volume of blood


Proportion of the total amount of blood (blood volume) made up of red blood cells (plasma makes up the rest)

Mean cellular (or corpuscular) volume (MCV)

Average volume of a red blood cell

Mean cellular (or corpuscular) hemoglobin (MCH)

Amount of hemoglobin per red blood cell

Mean cellular (or corpuscular) hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)

Average concentration of hemoglobin within red blood cells

Red blood cell (RBC) count

Number of red blood cells in a volume of blood

Red cell distribution width

Amount of variability in the sizes of the red blood cells

White blood cell count

Number of white blood cells in a specified volume of blood

Differential white blood cell count

Percentages and numbers of the different types of white blood cells

Platelet count

Number of platelets in a specified volume of blood