Developmental Milestones From Ages 18 Months to 6 Years*


Gross Motor Skills

Fine Motor Skills

18 months

  1. Walks well

  2. Can climb stairs holding on

  1. Draws vertical stroke

  2. Makes a tower of 4 cubes

  3. Turns several book pages at a time

  4. Speaks about 10 words

  5. Pulls toys on strings

  6. Partially feeds self

2 years

  1. Runs well/with coordination

  2. Climbs on furniture

  1. Handles a spoon well

  2. Turns single book pages

  3. Makes a tower of 7 cubes

  4. Makes 2- or 3-word sentences

2½ years

  1. Jumps

  2. Walks upstairs and downstairs without help

  1. Scribbles in a circular pattern

  2. Opens doors

  3. Puts on simple clothing

  4. Speaks regarding toilet needs

3 years

  1. Mature gait while walking

  2. Rides tricycle

  1. Favors using one hand over the other

  2. Copies a circle

  3. Dresses self well except for buttons and laces

  4. Counts to 10 and uses plurals

  5. Recognizes at least 3 colors

  6. Asks questions constantly

  7. Feeds self well

  8. About half of children can take care of toilet needs

4 years

  1. Walks up and down stairs, alternating feet

  2. Hops on one foot

  3. Throws a ball overhand

  1. Copies a cross

  2. Dresses self

  3. Washes hands and face

5 years

  1. Skips

  2. Catches a bounced ball

  1. Copies a triangle

  2. Draws a person in 6 parts

  3. Knows 4 colors

  4. Dresses and undresses without help

6 years

Walks along a straight line from heel to toe

Writes name

* The age at which children meet milestones varies greatly. The age ranges here represent the average age.

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