How to Use a Metered-Dose Inhaler With a Spacer

  • Shake the inhaler after removing the caps from the inhaler and the spacer.

  • Attach the spacer to the inhaler.

  • Exhale fully for 1 or 2 seconds. Try to get as much air out of your lungs as you can.

  • Put the spacer between your teeth and close your lips tightly around it.

  • Breathe in slowly through your mouth.

  • Press the top of the inhaler and keep breathing slowly and deeply.

  • Take the spacer out of your mouth.

  • Hold your breath for 10 seconds (or as long as you can).

  • Breathe out and, if a second dose is required, repeat the process after 1 minute.

  • Put the caps back on the inhaler and the spacer.

How to Use a Metered-Dose Inhaler With a Spacer