What are lipomas?
Lipomas are round or oval lumps of fat that grow under your skin.
They're not cancer
They don't cause any problems, but you might not like how they look
Women are more likely to get them than men
They can be anywhere on your body
Lipomas are most likely to be on your:
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What are the symptoms of lipomas?
Lipomas are smooth bumps under your skin. They can feel soft or firm, but not hard.
They're usually less than 3 inches (7.6 centimeters) wide
Normal skin covers the bump
You usually have only one lipoma, but some people have many
Lipomas usually don't cause any symptoms, but rarely they hurt a little bit
How do doctors treat lipomas?
Lipomas usually don't need treatment.
If there are changes to a lipoma, your doctor may take out a piece of it to look at under a microscope (biopsy).
If your lipomas bother you, doctors can remove them using:
Liposuction (sucking out body fat with a machine)