A blood clot (called a thrombus) sometimes forms inside a blood vessel. A clot inside a large vein is called deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Usually the vein is deep in your leg or your pelvic area.
You have an increased risk of getting a blood clot in your veins for 6 or 8 weeks after giving birth
Blood clots may have no symptoms or your leg may hurt and swell
Blood clots can break loose and travel to your lung (pulmonary embolism), which causes breathing problems and may lead to death
Doctors do ultrasound to see if you have a DVT
Doctors treat DVT with medicine to thin your blood
What are the symptoms of a blood clot disorder during pregnancy?
You may have no symptoms or you may have:
Pain, tenderness, warmth, and swelling in your leg
Sometimes a fever
A pulmonary embolism may cause chest pain or make you feel short of breath.
How can doctors tell if I have a blood clot disorder during pregnancy?
Doctors can find blood clots using:
To find a pulmonary embolism they may do:
How do doctors treat a blood clot disorder during pregnancy?
Doctors treat a deep venous blood clot using:
Medicine to thin your blood to prevent more clotting