<i >Dracunculus</i> Life Cycle

Dracunculus Life Cycle

  • 1a and 1b. Humans become infected by drinking water containing microcrustaceans (copepods) that are infected with larvae of D. medinensis or eating undercooked fish harboring the larvae.

  • 2. After ingestion, the copepods die and release larvae, which penetrate the stomach and intestinal wall and enter the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space.

  • 3. After larvae mature into adults and copulate, the male worms die, and the females migrate in the subcutaneous tissues toward the skin surface. About 1 year after infection, the female worm induces an indurated papule (blister) on the skin, usually on the distal lower extremity. The papule eventually ulcerates.

  • 4. When this lesion comes into contact with water (patients typically immerse the affected extremity in water to relieve the intense discomfort), the female worm emerges and releases larvae.

  • 5. Larvae are ingested by a copepod.

  • 6. After 2 weeks, larvae become infective. When humans ingest the copepods, the cycle is completed.

Image from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Global Health, Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria.

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