Histopathologic Subtypes of Hodgkin Lymphoma (WHO Classification)

Histologic Type

Morphologic Appearance

Tumor Cell Immunophenotype


Nodular sclerosis

Dense fibrous tissue surrounding nodules of Hodgkin tissue

CD15+, CD30+, CD20–

Mixed cellularity

A moderate number of Reed-Sternberg cells with a mixed background infiltrate

CD15+, CD30+, CD20–


Few Reed-Sternberg cells

Many B cells

CD15+, CD30+, CD20–


Numerous Reed-Sternberg cells

Extensive fibrosis

CD15+, CD30+, CD20–

Nodular lymphocyte-predominant*

Few neoplastic cells (lymphocytic or histiocytic cells or both)

Many small B cells

Nodular pattern

CD15–, CD30–, CD20+, EMA+

EMA = epithelial membrane antigen.

* Nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma has been reclassified as an non-Hodgkin B-cell lymphoma by the International Consensus Classification and is called nodular lymphocyte predominant B-cell lymphoma (see Campo E, Jaffe ES, Cook JR, et al. The International Consensus Classification of Mature Lymphoid Neoplasms: a report from the Clinical Advisory Committee [published correction appears in Blood 2023 Jan 26;141(4):437]. Blood 2022;140(11):1229-1253. doi:10.1182/blood.2022015851). 

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