Interpretation of Retinal Findings


Possible Cause

Arteriolar narrowing, copper wiring, flame hemorrhages, arteriovenous nicking

Hypertensive retinopathy

Dark-pigmented lesions in bone spicule formation in the midperipheral retina (rarely visible with direct ophthalmoscopy)

Retinitis pigmentosa

Diffuse hemorrhages, venous dilation

Hyperviscosity syndrome

Indistinct optic disk margins, suggesting optic nerve swelling

Optic neuritis

Macular hyperpigmentation, loss of pigment in retinal epithelium, drusen, hemorrhage

Age-related macular degeneration

Microaneurysms and neovascularization at posterior retina

Diabetic retinopathy

White retinal infiltrates, sometimes loss of red reflex or visible vitreous inflammation

Infectious retinitis

Toxoplasmosis suggested by retinal infiltrate immediately adjacent to a scar

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