Urinary Diagnostic Indices in Prerenal Acute Kidney Injury and Acute Tubular Injury



Tubular Injury

U/P osmolality

> 1.5


Urine sodium (mmol/L)

< 10

> 40

Fractional excretion of sodium (FENa)*

< 1%

> 1%

BUN/creatinine ratio

> 20

< 10

* U/P Na ÷ U/P creatinine.

BUN = blood urea nitrogen; U/P = urine-to-plasma ratio.

Adapted from Miller TR, Anderson RJ, Linas SL, et al: Urinary diagnostic indices in acute renal failure. Ann Intern Med 89(1):47-50, 1978; used with permission of the American College of Physicians and the author.