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Preterm (Premature) Baby

Reviewed/Revised Nov 2023 | Modified Jan 2024
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What is a preterm baby?

A preterm baby, also called a premature baby, is born too early. A full pregnancy lasts 37 to 40 weeks, so a preterm baby is born anytime before the 37th week of pregnancy.

The earlier babies are, the more likely they are to have complications at birth and later. Babies born before 23 weeks probably won't live.

  • Because preterm babies had less time to grow in the womb, their organs are not fully developed

  • Preterm babies may have trouble breathing and feeding and are more likely to get infections

  • Many preterm babies have no long-term problems

  • Babies born very early have a higher chance of long-term health problems such as cerebral palsy, hearing problems, or learning disorders

  • Babies born very early may need to be in an incubator to keep warm, be on a ventilator to help them breath, and be fed through a tube in their nose

  • Preterm babies stay in the hospital until they can eat normally, are gaining weight, and no longer need an incubator

  • Seeing your doctor regularly during pregnancy lowers your chance of having a preterm baby

What causes a baby to be born too early?

Most of the time, there's no clear reason why a baby is born too early.

The chances of having a preterm baby are higher if the mother:

  • Had a previous preterm baby

  • Has had multiple miscarriages or abortions

  • Has other health problems, such as preeclampsia or heart or kidney disease

  • Has an untreated infection (such as a urinary tract infection)

  • Is having twins or triplets

  • Used in vitro fertilization (IVF) to get pregnant

  • Smokes cigarettes

  • Doesn't get good prenatal care

What are symptoms of a preterm baby?

Preterm babies look a little different than full-term babies. They usually:

  • Weigh between 1 and 5.5 pounds (500 to 2500 grams)

  • Have a head that looks large compared to the rest of their body

  • Lack fat under their skin

  • Have thin, shiny, pink skin

  • Have veins visible through their skin

Preterm babies often:

  • Breathe quickly and may pause for seconds at a time (apnea)

  • Have trouble regulating their body temperature

  • Have trouble sucking and swallowing

What complications do preterm babies have?

Preterm babies get complications because their organs aren't fully developed. The earlier they are, the more complications they get.

  • Brain complications: Weak breathing, trouble sucking and swallowing, brain bleeding

  • Digestive tract complications: Spitting up too much, bleeding intestines, yellow skin (jaundice)

  • Immune system complications: Infections in their bloodstream (sepsis) or around their brain (meningitis)

  • Lung complications: Lungs clogged with fluid (respiratory distress syndrome)

  • Eye complications: Bleeding and scarring in the retina (the seeing part of the eyes), a problem called retinopathy of prematurity

Most complications go away after a while. But babies who had severe complications may keep having problems with their breathing or vision.

How do doctors treat preterm babies?

Doctors will care for your baby in the hospital in a special unit for sick newborns. It's called a NICU, which stands for neonatal intensive care unit. They'll also:

  • Put your baby in an incubator to help keep the baby warm

  • Give medicine into your baby's lungs to help your baby breathe, and sometimes put a tube in the baby's nose or mouth attached to a breathing machine (ventilator)

  • Feed your baby through a vein or feeding tube until your baby can suck and swallow

  • Put the baby under special ultraviolet (UV) lights to treat jaundice

How can I keep my baby from being born too early?

You can lower the chance of your baby being born too early by:

  • Going to all of your prenatal doctors' visits

  • Following a healthy diet

  • Not drinking alcohol

  • Not using tobacco or drugs

If you go into labor early, your doctor may give you medicine to:

  • Slow down your labor

  • Help your baby’s lungs develop faster

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