What is teething?
Teething is the stage in which babies’ teeth start to come through their gums.
Most babies get their first tooth when they're about 6 months old
By age 3, most babies have all 20 of their baby teeth
Teething babies are usually fussy, but despite what many people think, teething doesn't cause fever
Call your doctor if your baby is extremely fussy or has a fever higher than 100° F (37.8° C)—your baby is probably sick, not just teething.
What are the symptoms of teething?
A teething baby:
Cries and fusses more than usual
Doesn't sleep well
Eats less than usual
Has reddened gums
Chews on objects
How can I treat symptoms of teething?
To help your baby feel more comfortable:
Give your baby something safe to chew on, such as a firm teething toy or cool, gel-filled teething ring
Massage your baby’s gums with your finger or with ice
Give your baby pain medicine, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, if your baby is very uncomfortableGive your baby pain medicine, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, if your baby is very uncomfortable
Don’t use teething gels—they don't help much, and they may contain benzocaine, which causes serious problems in some babiesDon’t use teething gels—they don't help much, and they may contain benzocaine, which causes serious problems in some babies