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Quick Facts: Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders
Quick Facts: Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders
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Mouth and Throat Disorders
What is epiglottitis?
What causes epiglottitis?
What are the symptoms of epiglottitis?
How can doctors tell if I have epiglottitis?
How do doctors treat epiglottitis?
What is laryngitis?
What causes laryngitis?
What are the symptoms of laryngitis?
How can doctors tell if I have laryngitis?
How do doctors treat laryngitis?
Throat Infections
What are throat infections?
What causes throat infections?
What are the symptoms of throat infections?
How can doctors tell if I have a throat infection?
How do doctors treat a throat infection?
Tonsillar Abscess
What is a tonsillar abscess?
What causes a tonsillar abscess?
What are the symptoms of a tonsillar abscess?
How can doctors tell if I have a tonsillar abscess?
How do doctors treat a tonsillar abscess?
Inner Ear Disorders
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
What is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo?
What causes BPPV?
What are the symptoms of BPPV?
How can doctors tell if I have BPPV?
How do doctors treat BPPV?
Meniere Disease
What is Meniere disease?
What causes Meniere disease?
What are the symptoms of Meniere disease?
How can doctors tell if I have Meniere disease?
How do doctors treat Meniere disease?
Outer Ear Disorders
Birth Defects of the Ear
What are birth defects of the ear?
How do doctors treat birth defects of the ear?
Dermatitis of the Ear Canal
What causes dermatitis of the ear canal?
What are the symptoms of dermatitis of the ear canal?
How do doctors treat dermatitis of the ear canal?
Ear Blockages
What is an ear blockage?
What causes an ear blockage?
What are the symptoms of an ear blockage?
How do doctors treat an ear blockage?
Taking out earwax
Taking out objects from the ear
Ear Tumors
What are ear tumors?
Noncancerous ear tumors
Cancerous ear tumors
Ear Canal Infection (Swimmer's Ear)
What is an ear canal infection?
What causes an ear canal infection?
What are the symptoms of an ear canal infection?
How can doctors tell if I have an ear canal infection?
How do doctors treat an ear canal infection?
How can I prevent an ear canal infection?
Malignant External Otitis
What is malignant external otitis?
What are the symptoms of malignant external otitis?
How can doctors tell if I have malignant external otitis?
How do doctors treat malignant external otitis?
What is perichondritis?
What are the symptoms of perichondritis?
How do doctors treat perichondritis?
Mouth, Nose, and Throat Cancers
Laryngeal Cancer
What is laryngeal cancer?
What causes laryngeal cancer?
What are the symptoms of laryngeal cancer?
How can doctors tell if I have laryngeal cancer?
How do doctors treat laryngeal cancer?
Side effects of treatment
Mouth and Throat Cancer
What is mouth and throat cancer?
What causes mouth and throat cancer?
What are the symptoms of mouth and throat cancer?
How can doctors tell if I have mouth or throat cancer?
How do doctors treat mouth and throat cancer?
How can I prevent mouth or throat cancer?
Nasopharyngeal Cancer
What is nasopharyngeal cancer?
What causes nasopharyngeal cancer?
What are the symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer?
How can doctors tell if I have nasopharyngeal cancer?
How do doctors treat nasopharyngeal cancer?
Salivary Gland Cancer
What is salivary gland cancer?
What are the symptoms of salivary gland cancer?
How can doctors tell if I have salivary gland cancer?
How do doctors treat salivary gland cancer?
Sinus Cancer
What is sinus cancer?
What are the symptoms of sinus cancer?
How can doctors tell if I have sinus cancer?
How do doctors treat sinus cancer?
Middle Ear Disorders
Eardrum Perforation
What is an eardrum perforation?
What causes an eardrum perforation?
What are the symptoms of an eardrum perforation?
What are the complications of an eardrum perforation?
How can my doctor tell if I have an eardrum perforation?
How do doctors treat an eardrum perforation?
Ear Infection (Acute Otitis Media)
What is an ear infection?
What causes acute ear infections?
What are the symptoms of an acute ear infection?
What are the complications of an ear infection?
How can doctors tell if I have an ear infection?
How do doctors treat acute ear infections?
How can I limit the risk of my children getting ear infections?
Fluid in the Ear (Secretory Otitis Media)
What is secretory otitis media?
What causes secretory otitis media?
What are the symptoms of secretory otitis media?
How can doctors tell if I have secretory otitis media?
How do doctors treat secretory otitis media?
Chronic Ear Infection (Chronic Otitis Media)
What is a chronic ear infection?
What causes chronic ear infections?
What are the symptoms of a chronic ear infection?
What are the complications of chronic ear infection?
How can doctors tell if I have a chronic ear infection?
How do doctors treat chronic ear infections?
Hearing Loss and Deafness
Hearing Loss
What is hearing loss?
What causes hearing loss?
When should I see a doctor for hearing loss?
What will happen at my doctor visit?
How do doctors treat hearing loss?
How can I prevent hearing loss?
Sudden Hearing Loss
What is sudden hearing loss?
What causes sudden hearing loss?
What will happen at my doctor visit?
How do doctors treat sudden hearing loss?
Treatment of Hearing Loss
How can I treat my hearing loss?
What is a hearing aid?
What is a cochlear implant?
What is a brain stem implant?
What else can help me cope with my hearing loss?
Biology of the Ears, Nose, and Throat
What are the ears?
What are the main parts of the ears?
How do the ears work?
How does hearing work?
How does balance work?
What can go wrong with the ears?
Nose and Sinuses
What is the nose?
What are the sinuses?
How does the nose work?
What can go wrong with the nose and sinuses?
What is the throat?
What are the main parts of the throat?
How does the throat work?
What can go wrong with the throat?
Nose and Sinus Disorders
Nasal Polyps
What are nasal polyps?
What causes nasal polyps?
What are the symptoms of nasal polyps?
How can doctors tell if I have nasal polyps?
How do doctors treat nasal polyps?
What is rhinitis?
What causes rhinitis?
What are the symptoms of rhinitis?
How can doctors tell if I have rhinitis?
How do doctors treat rhinitis?
What is sinusitis?
What causes sinusitis?
What are the symptoms of sinusitis?
How can doctors tell if I have sinusitis?
How do doctors treat sinusitis?