What are nasal polyps?
Nasal polyps are fleshy growths inside your nose. They're usually oval in shape and may look a little like peeled grapes.
Nasal polyps are not cancer
You’re more likely to get nasal polyps if you have allergies, asthma, or family members with nasal polyps
Nasal polyps can block your nose
Doctors usually treat nasal polyps with corticosteroid nasal sprays (to lessen swelling), but sometimes they do surgery
Image provided by Bechara Ghorayeb, MD.
What causes nasal polyps?
Doctors don't know exactly why people get nasal polyps. However, you're more likely to get them if you have:
A lot of sinus infections
Allergies, especially an allergy to aspirin
Family members with nasal polyps
What are the symptoms of nasal polyps?
You may have no symptoms, but if you do, they may include:
Stuffy nose
Runny nose
Trouble smelling things
How can doctors tell if I have nasal polyps?
Doctors can tell if you have nasal polyps by looking inside your nose.
How do doctors treat nasal polyps?
Doctors first treat nasal polyps with:
Corticosteroid nasal sprays
If the sprays don't work, doctors may give you corticosteroid pills.
If the corticosteroid treatments don't work, or the polyps are severely blocking your nose, doctors may do surgery to take out the polyps.
To prevent nasal polyps from coming back, doctors may have you keep using a corticosteroid nasal spray.