Risk Factors for Infectious Arthritis

Older age (50% of adults are > 60 years)

Alcohol use disorder

Arthrocentesis (very small risk), joint injection, or joint surgery



Chronic medical illness (eg, lung or liver disease)




History of previous joint infection

Immunodeficiency, including HIV

Immunosuppressive therapy, including corticosteroids

Injection drug use

Prosthetic joint implant

Rheumatoid arthritis and other forms of inflammatory arthritis

Risk factors for sexually transmitted infections (eg, multiple sex partners, absence of barrier precautions)

Sickle cell disease

Skin infections

Systemic lupus erythematosus

See also Elsissy JG, Liu JN, Wilton PJ, Nwachuku I, Gowd AK, Amin NH. Bacterial Septic Arthritis of the Adult Native Knee Joint: A Review. JBJS Rev. 2020;8(1):e0059. doi:10.2106/JBJS.RVW.19.00059