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Overview of Perinatal Respiratory Disorders

ByArcangela Lattari Balest, MD, University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine
Reviewed/Revised Jul 2023 | Modified Jul 2024
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Extensive physiologic changes accompany the birth process (see also Neonatal Pulmonary Function), sometimes unmasking conditions that posed no problem during intrauterine life. For that reason, a person with neonatal resuscitation skills must attend each birth. Gestational age and growth parameters help identify the risk of neonatal pathology.

Respiratory problems in neonates include

Symptoms and signs of respiratory distress vary and include the following:

  • Grunting

  • Nasal flaring

  • Intercostal, subcostal, and suprasternal retractions

  • Weak breathing, irregular breathing, or a combination

  • Tachypnea and apneic spells

  • Cyanosis, pallor, mottling, delayed capillary refill, or a combination

  • Hypotension

In neonates, symptoms and signs may be apparent immediately on delivery or develop minutes or hours afterward.

Etiology of Perinatal Respiratory Disorders

Respiratory distress in neonates and infants has multiple potential causes (see table Causes of Respiratory Distress in Neonates and Infants).


Physiology of Perinatal Respiratory Disorders

There are several significant differences in the physiology of the respiratory system in neonates and infants compared with that of older children and adults. These differences include

  • A more compliant collapsible chest wall

  • Decreased lung compliance in infants with surfactant deficiency due to prematurity or genetic mutations

  • More reliance on diaphragmatic excursions over intercostal muscles

  • Collapsible extrathoracic airways

Also, infants’ smaller airway caliber gives increased airway resistance, and absence of collateral ventilation increases tendency toward atelectasis. Yet, other principles of respiration are similar in adults and children.

Evaluation of Perinatal Respiratory Disorders

Evaluation of neonatal respiratory distress starts with a thorough history and physical examination.

History in the neonate focuses on maternal and prenatal history, particularly gestational age, maternal infection or bleeding, meconium staining of amniotic fluid, oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios, family history of genetic disorders, and history of siblings or other family members with significant respiratory distress or death in the neonatal period.

Physical examination focuses on the heart and lungs. Chest wall asymmetry or sunken abdomen suggests diaphragmatic hernia. Diffuse crackles, decreased air entry, or grunting suggests poor alveolar expansion as occurs in surfactant deficiency. Asymmetric breath sounds suggest pneumothorax or pneumonia. A displaced left apical impulse, heart murmur, abnormal central or peripheral pulses, or a combination suggests a congenital heart defect. Assessment of blood pressure and femoral pulses may identify shunting (eg, bounding pulses in arteriovenous malformations or patent ductus arteriosus) or left heart dysfunction, with or without congenital defects. Poor capillary refill reflects circulatory compromise.

In both neonates and infants, it is important to assess oxygenation and response to oxygen therapy by pulse oximetry or blood gases. Chest x-ray also is recommended.

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