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Introduction to the Dental Patient

ByRosalyn Sulyanto, DMD, MS, Boston Children's Hospital
Reviewed/Revised Apr 2024
View Patient Education

A physician should always examine the mouth and be able to recognize major oral disorders, particularly possible oral cancers. However, consultation with a dentist is needed to evaluate patients with nonmalignant changes as well as tooth problems. Likewise, patients with xerostomia or unexplained swelling or pain in the mouth, face, or neck require a dental consultation.

Children with abnormal facies (who also may have dental malformations requiring correction) should be evaluated by a dentist.

In fever of unknown origin (FUO) or a systemic infection of unknown cause, a dental source of infection should be considered.

A dental consultation is necessary before head and neck radiation therapy and is advisable before chemotherapy.

Common dental disorders, dental emergencies, and other dental and oral symptoms, including toothache, are discussed elsewhere in THE MANUAL. This chapter focuses on

Geriatrics Essentials: The Dental Patient

Resting salivary secretion rarely diminishes significantly solely due to aging. Xerostomia or hyposalivation in the older patient is almost always a side effect of medications, although meal-stimulated salivary flow is usually adequate.

The flattened cusps of worn teeth and weakness of the masticatory muscles may make chewing tiresome, impairing food intake.

Loss of bone mass in the jaws (particularly the alveolar portion), dryness of the mouth, thinning of the oral mucosa, and impaired coordination of lip, cheek, and tongue movements may make denture retention difficult.

The taste buds become less sensitive, so the older patient may add abundant seasonings, particularly salt (which is harmful for some), or they may desire very hot foods for more taste, sometimes burning the often atrophic oral mucosa.

Gingival recession and xerostomia contribute to development of root caries.

Despite these changes, improved dental hygiene has greatly decreased the prevalence of tooth loss, and most older adults can expect to retain their teeth.

Poor oral health contributes to poor nutritional intake, which impairs general health. Dental disease (particularly periodontitis) is associated with a 2-fold increased risk of coronary artery disease. Edentulous patients cannot have periodontitis because they do not have a periodontium, although periodontitis may have resulted in their tooth loss. Aspiration pneumonia in patients with periodontitis can involve anaerobic organisms and has a high mortality rate. Severe bacteremias secondary to acute or chronic dental infection may contribute to brain abscesses, cavernous sinus thrombosis, endocarditis, prosthetic joint infections, and unexplained fevers.

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