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(Maduromycosis; Madura Foot)

ByPaschalis Vergidis, MD, MSc, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine & Science
Reviewed/Revised Sept 2023
View Patient Education

Mycetoma is a chronic, progressive, local infection caused by fungi or bacteria and involving the feet, upper extremities, or back. Symptoms include tumefaction and formation of sinus tracts. Diagnosis is clinical, confirmed by microscopic examination of exudates and culture. Treatment includes antimicrobials, surgical debridement, and sometimes amputation.

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(See also Overview of Fungal Infections.)

Bacteria, primarily Nocardia species and other actinomycetes, cause more than half the cases. The remainder are caused by about 20 different fungal species. When caused by fungi, the lesions are sometimes called eumycetoma.

Mycetoma occurs mainly in tropical or subtropical areas, including the southern United States. Mycetoma occurs in equatorial regions of Africa, Latin America, and Asia known as the “mycetoma belt.” Fungal mycetoma (also known as eumycetoma) is the most common type in Africa. Bacterial mycetoma (sometimes referred to as actinomycetoma) causes most cases in South and Central America and in some Asian countries.

Mycetoma is acquired when organisms enter through sites of penetrating local trauma on bare skin of the feet or on the extremities or backs of workers carrying contaminated vegetation or other objects. Men aged 20 to 40 are most often affected, presumably because of trauma incurred while working outdoors.

Infections spread through contiguous subcutaneous areas, resulting in tumefaction and formation of multiple draining sinuses that exude characteristic grains of clumped organisms. Microscopic tissue reactions may be primarily suppurative or granulomatous depending on the specific causative agent. As the infection progresses, bacterial superinfections can develop.

Symptoms and Signs of Mycetoma

The initial lesion of mycetoma may be a papule, a fixed subcutaneous nodule, a vesicle with an indurated base, or a subcutaneous abscess that ruptures to form a fistula to the skin surface. Fibrosis is common in and around early lesions. Tenderness is minimal or absent unless acute suppurative bacterial superinfection is present.

Infection progresses slowly over months or years, gradually extending to and destroying contiguous muscles, tendons, fascia, and bones. Neither systemic dissemination nor symptoms and signs suggesting generalized infection occur. Eventually, muscle wasting, deformity, and tissue destruction prevent use of affected limbs.

In advanced infections, involved extremities appear grotesquely swollen, forming a club-shaped mass of cystic areas. The multiple draining and intercommunicating sinus tracts and fistulas in these areas discharge thick or serosanguineous exudates containing characteristic grains, which may be white or black.

Manifestations of Mycetoma
Mycetoma (Nodular)
Mycetoma (Nodular)

This image shows multiple, infiltrated nodules on the foot of a patient with mycetoma.

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Madura Foot
Madura Foot

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Mycetoma (Skin Rupture)
Mycetoma (Skin Rupture)

This image shows multiple subcutaneous nodules and rupture to the skin surface.

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Mycetoma (Madura Foot)
Mycetoma (Madura Foot)

This photo shows chronic, nonhealing wounds with recurring episodes of drainage and ulceration (top) and advanced destruction of the entire bony architecture of the foot (bottom).

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Diagnosis of Mycetoma

  • Examination and culture of exudates

Causative agents can be identified presumptively by gross and microscopic examination of grains from exudates, which contain pathognomonic, irregularly shaped, variably colored, 0.5- to 2-mm granules. Crushing and culture of these granules provides definitive identification. Exudate specimens may yield multiple bacteria and fungi, some of which are potential causes of superinfections.

Treatment of Mycetoma

  • Antibacterials or antifungals

  • Surgery in refractory cases

(See also Antifungal Medications.)

Treatment of mycetoma may be required for > 10 years. Death may result from bacterial superinfection and sepsis if treatment is neglected. Treatment depends on the causative agent and the extent of the disease.

In infections caused by Nocardia, sulfonamides and certain other antibacterials, sometimes in combination, are used.

In infections caused by fungi, certain potential causative organisms may be at least partially susceptible to amphotericin B or itraconazole, but some are resistant to all antifungals. Relapses occur after antifungal therapy is stopped in most patients, and many patients do not improve and even worsen during treatment, indicating the often refractory nature of the infection.In infections caused by fungi, certain potential causative organisms may be at least partially susceptible to amphotericin B or itraconazole, but some are resistant to all antifungals. Relapses occur after antifungal therapy is stopped in most patients, and many patients do not improve and even worsen during treatment, indicating the often refractory nature of the infection.

Surgical debridement is occasionally necessary. Repeated debridement of the diseased tissue, including bone, may be required. Limb amputation to prevent potentially fatal severe secondary bacterial infections may be needed in advanced cases.

More Information

The following English-language resource may be useful. Please note that THE MANUAL is not responsible for the content of this resource.

  1. Mycetoma Research Center (World Health Organization Collaborating Center on Mycetoma): Mycetoma management guidelines

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