Induction of labor is the use of medications to start labor.
Usually, when labor needs to be induced, the woman is given oxytocin, a medication that makes the uterus contract more frequently and more forcefully. The oxytocin given is identical to the natural Usually, when labor needs to be induced, the woman is given oxytocin, a medication that makes the uterus contract more frequently and more forcefully. The oxytocin given is identical to the naturaloxytocin produced by the pituitary gland. It is given intravenously with an infusion pump, so that the amount of medication given can be controlled precisely.
Before contractions of the uterus can be induced, the cervix must be thinned (effaced) and ready to open (dilate) so that the baby can be delivered. Several techniques can be used to help the cervix efface and dilate:
A prostaglandin (a hormone-like compound such as misoprostol) may be given vaginally.A prostaglandin (a hormone-like compound such as misoprostol) may be given vaginally.
A thin, flexible tube (catheter) with a balloon attached can be inserted into the cervix. The balloon is inflated to put gentle pressure on and thus dilate the cervix.
Dried seaweed stems (laminaria) may be inserted into the cervix. The laminaria absorb fluids and then expand, thus dilating the cervix.
Reasons to induce labor include
High blood pressure with protein in the urine (preeclampsia)
Signs that the fetus is not well (fetal distress)
Sometimes labor is induced for reasons unrelated to a health issue. For example, labor may be induced when a woman has a history of rapid deliveries. In such cases, inducing labor means that a woman can arrive at the hospital or birthing center in time to deliver the baby.
Labor is not induced in the following circumstances:
Women have had certain types of surgery involving the uterus or certain types of cesarean deliveries.
Women have active genital herpes.
The fetus is in an abnormal position or is too large.
The placenta is in the wrong position (placenta previa or vasa previa).
Throughout induction and labor, the fetus’s heart rate is monitored electronically.
If induction is unsuccessful, the baby is delivered by cesarean.
More Information
The following English-language resource may be useful. Please note that THE MANUAL is not responsible for the content of this resource.
Childbirth Connection: This web site provides tips for having a healthy baby and safe birth. The importance of medical care before, during, and after birth is emphasized.